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October 5th Village of Ridgewood Work Session Recap

Village Council work session

photo by Boyd Loving

October 6,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  Ellie Gruber and Jeanne Epiphan gave a presentation on the state of Gypsy and Kings Pond. Invasive species is a huge problem as well as a dilapidated dam.  Wildscape felt at the very least a fence should be put in place that would help to mitigate the encroachment of damaging species of plants such as Japanese Knotweed.  Tim Cronin said that permits from the DEP would be necessary but the preliminary work could begin if the council agreed.  Jeff Voigt suggested including the Eagle Scouts in the project.  A scout leader was present and said that it could be done.  The council agreed to move forward on the project beginning with the fence.

Next on the agenda was a presentation by the village engineer and resident Jeanne Johnson on the availability of a grant for the purpose of pedestrian safety and alternate transit opportunities ( bikes) for municipalities.  Better stop lights, bike lanes, refuge islands etc.  Mayor Knudsen felt that she would need more information as there had been many  complaints regarding the Garber Square do to the so called improvements ie “traffic easing” and  “suicide bike lane”. The council will read the plans and come to a decision.  The grant application is due November 10th.

Parking was next on the agenda and the council continued its discussion on how best to increase parking options in the CBD for shoppers, employees and commuters.  One idea was to try a pilot program at the Chestnut Street Lot which would use a kiosk which accepts coins, credit cards and Park Mobile.  This seemed doable and the council authorized going forward with this program. Much talk over fees throughout the town at the meters and the lots . Heather will be working on the several ordinances needed to address the changes.

It was  obvious how hard the council is working to improve parking and to mindful of the cost to the village.

Deputy Mayor Mike Sedon explained changes in our tree replacement program which includes allowing the village to examine trees on private property and if a tree had a diameter larger than 6 inches, it could not be taken down unless it was deemed diseased, dead or a hazard.  Trees that are taken down would need to be replaced by the property owner or 150 dollars paid to the village for a tree planting in another location. The hope is to replenish or depleting shade tree stock with municipal funds, grants and stricter guidelines for property owners.

A thin blue line is to be painted between two yellow lines on Linwood Avenue to show support for our police force.

Village Engineer Christopher Rutishauser seemed to contract “foot in mouth disease”,when talking about the Village tree stock he used the term Ghetto Palms to describe a tree that grows in Patterson ,saying “The Paterson Palm.  A tree that grows best in ghettos.” he would like to eradicate in Ridgewood.  It was said in a somewhat derogatory manner and both Anne and Boyd spoke about this during public comment.  They were highly offended. Other felt it was a dumb and insensitive comment.

27 thoughts on “October 5th Village of Ridgewood Work Session Recap

  1. Rutishauser should be fired.

  2. All the air sucked out of the room when Rutishauser said this. Why not just call the. NI–ER PALMS Chris?

  3. racist Rutishauser

  4. We were all highly offended. I nearly fell out of my seat at home.

  5. The best way to increase parking in the CBD at zero cost is to strictly enforce repeat parking violations.

    How many spots will open up for CUSTOMERS if EMPLOYEES and OWNERS stop parking in the CBD?

    I know this seems simple and low cost. Sometimes solutions have those traits.

  6. Jeanne Johnson actually had the audacity to say that she regularly sees bikers using the “bike lane to and from nowhere,” and to blame all of the complaints about it on the fact that “there was a new Village Council and new Village Manager at the same time?” Hello Jeanne: What have you been smoking lately. The Garber Square bike lane is useless. Dump it now.

    1. maybe we should ask Jeanne to demonstrate ?

  7. “The Paterson Palm. A tree that grows best in ghettos.” What a jerk.

  8. I have said before in this blog format that Chris Rutishauser was very rude and arrogant to me, a senior citizen, when Park Mobile was first proposed by the former village manager , to be implemented all over town and Park & Ride, was what Roberta was drooling for. I spoke to Chris about it and he smirked and laughed at me and said so buy a $750 parking permit , if you are not happy.

    I wrote letters to the county and other seniors too and Park & Ride will remain an option for coins and Park Mobile.

    Yes, I too fell backwards when Rutishauser said that phrase. I believe he should be placed in the same position as Roberta, a former employee of the Village of Ridgewood.

  9. I didn’t see any in the ghetto in Venice.

  10. We do not need more jackassaholic bike lanes. We do not need racists working for the village.

  11. Who was the incompetent fool sitting with Rutishauser and saying that she has many photos of people using the bike lane under the railroad tracks??? No one uses that ridiculous bike lane. You take your life in your hands if you use it. I would like to see her MANY photos.

    What the heck was it when Rutishauser was unwilling to show the plan to the council for the new bike lanes, even when the mayor asked for the plan. Too large to print. Too large to burn onto a disc. Too large to email. What the heck? He wanted them to approve a plan without seeing the plan? For real? And then when the Mayor asked him what happened to the suggestions for the grant that she and other council members had submitted to him he just said that the suggestions were no good and he dismissed them.

  12. Mr. Rutishauser, the name of that tree is the Sunburst Honey Locust. Not the Paterson Palm. Not a ghetto tree. Your racist commentary was disgusting.

  13. If you missed the comments from Mr. Rutishauser, here’s a link to the OFFICIAL Village of Ridgewood video of the meeting:

  14. Well I think the Paterson Palm tree is a kind of sumac and it is also known as the Heaven Tree. Rutishauser says they are not very desirable and he would like to get rid of them, that they grow best in ghettos. Is he talking about the trees or the people in Paterson.

  15. I live in Paterson and I take the train to my job at Stop and Shop in Ridgewood. We like our trees in Paterson. Sorry if we are spreading out to your fair town mister.

  16. james, so far having a really bad day. You made me laugh. Yes, Jeanne needs to demonstrate biking on that lane.

  17. Wait, she actually has pictures of people using the bike lane to ride bikes!

  18. You can’t make this stuff up. He needs to go – now.

  19. Jeanne Johnson is a blow hard and a fool. Zero people take her seriously. She is the only one who does.
    Go back to hairdressing

  20. Chris Rutishauser thinks he is high class, but that is just a lie, a line, he ain’t nothin ……

  21. chris u are one dummy. what are u thinking. keep talking like that and u will be on the out side looking in, u jack ass.

  22. In what capacity was Jeanne Johnsohn sitting with the village engineer? What’s her qualification and has village hired her to be a consultant?

  23. The word is that Ms. Johnson ( bike lanes to nowhere guru) is planning on leaving Ridgewood as her children have graduated. Regarding Chris Rutishauser’s reference to the lovely and sturdy honey locust tree as a “ghetto palm” found all over Paterson, I would like to quote The National Arbor Day website: the honey locust tree “has captured the hearts of community foresters and homeowners throughout America and is tough enough to withstand just about any urban setting.” Sounds like a great tree for Ridgewood that is becoming more urbanized as we speak.

  24. Did yo hear Councilman Ramon Hache suggest that because most employees in the CBD make minimum wage the Village of Ridgewood should give those employees free parking. So let me understand this Councilman because the employers only pay their employees minimum wage it now becomes the Village taxpayers responsible to supplement there income by giving them free parking. How are you going to know if they are indeed being paid minimum wage Councilman ask for their w 2 before you give them free parking ?

  25. “village to examine trees on private property and if a tree had a diameter larger than 6 inches, it could not be taken down unless it was deemed diseased, dead or a hazard.” Hey Deputy Mayor Mike Sedon your going to tell taxpayer that they cannot take down a tree on their own property “village to examine trees on private property” are you kidding me? We pay taxes on or land and if we the taxpayers want to take down tree on our property because we want more sunlight or plant a garden who the hell do you and the village think you are to tell us what to do. You are really get out there on this one .

  26. To Mike Sedon: You are a nice guy BUT leave me and my trees alone! I don’t need more government telling me what trees I can and cannot take down on MY property. AND, if the village needs to plant more of their own trees then they should start planting the trees that were never planted and died at the recycling center!

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