photos courtesy of Boyd Loving
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Midland Park NJ, A Wednesday afternoon, 07/29, construction accident at the Midland Park Shopping Center, 85 Godwin Avenue, Midland Park resulted in one (1) worker being seriously injured. The victim was reportedly struck by a backhoe operating in connection with a PSE&G infrastructure improvement project. Midland Park Police and Midland Park EMS responded to aid the worker, who was transported by ambulance to a nearby hospital. No further information about the incident was available from police at the scene.
What’s being built at that site.
A wooden shoe. Factory.
What is a PSEG infrastructure improvement project?
rumor is a new CVS
rumor is a new CVS IF its the old sears hardware
It is the old Sears and it IS going to be a new CVS with a drive through. And since none of you schmucks said it I will…god speed to the injured worker.
Now go back to your miserable lives you twats.
Dutch Girl Dry Cleaners that was next to the worst-hardware-store-in-the-world Sears Hardware (previously the A&P for you newbies!) was forced to close by the pandemic. Already miss them.