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>Fearing more conservative backlash the New Jersey Republican State Committee abruptly canceled a long scheduled meeting

>Fearing more conservative backlash the New Jersey Republican State Committee abruptly canceled a long scheduled meeting

With State Republicans fearing more conservative backlash the New Jersey Republican State Committee abruptly canceled a long scheduled meeting Hyatt Regency in Princeton last night, less than 24 hours before it was scheduled to convene.

Chairman Jay Webber sent an e-mail to committee members informing them that the next meeting of the New Jersey Republican State Committee will not take place until after the New Year.

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>ABC News/Washington Post poll : New Low in Support for Health Care Reform

>ABC News/Washington Post poll : New Low in Support for Health Care Reform

New Low in Support for Health Care Reform
December 13, 2010 1:17 PM

Coinciding with a federal judge’s ruling invalidating a key element of the health care reform law, an ABC News/Washington Post poll finds support for the landmark legislation at a new low – but division on what to do about it.

The law’s never been popular, with support peaking at just 48 percent in November 2009. Today it’s slipped to 43 percent, numerically its lowest in ABC/Post polling. (It was about the same, 44 percent, a year ago.) Fifty-two percent are opposed, and that 9-point gap in favor of opposition is its largest on record since the latest debate over health care reform began in earnest in summer 2009.

More also continue to “strongly” oppose the law than to strongly support it, 37 percent to 22 percent.


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>Obama’s Health-Care Law Ruled Unconstitutional Over Insurance Requirement

>Obama’s Health-Care Law Ruled Unconstitutional Over Insurance Requirement

The Obama administration’s requirement that most citizens maintain minimum health coverage as part of a broad overhaul of the industry is unconstitutional, a federal judge ruled, striking down the linchpin of the plan.

U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson in Richmond, Virginia, today said that the requirement in President Barack Obama’s health-care legislation goes beyond Congress’s powers to regulate interstate commerce. While severing the coverage mandate, which is set to become effective in 2014, Hudson didn’t address other provisions such as expanding Medicaid.

“At its core, this dispute is not simply about regulating the business of insurance — or crafting a scheme of universal health insurance coverage — it’s about an individual’s right to choose to participate,” wrote Hudson, who was appointed by President George W. Bush in 2002.


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>Up in Smoke: Democrats shape marijuana law

>Up in Smoke: Democrats shape marijuana law

New Jersey Senate Democrats are pushing ahead with a challenge to the Christie administration’s rules for the state’s new medical marijuana program, despite a supposedly bipartisan compromise the governor announced earlier this month. (Fleisher, The Wall Street Journal)

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>A ‘shadow inventory’ of foreclosed homes dampens winter market

>A ‘shadow inventory’ of foreclosed homes dampens winter market

New statistics provide a glum holiday-time snapshot of the real estate market: shrunken sales pace, bloated inventory and a “shadow inventory” of foreclosed homes looming menacingly in the background. (Martin, The New York Times)

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>Proposed parent-trigger bill adds school vouchers to available options

>Proposed parent-trigger bill adds school vouchers to available options

A Republican-backed bill that would give parents unprecedented rights to remake low-performing schools would offer them three options: replace the school’s staff, convert the school to a charter, or request vouchers to attend other public or private schools. (Mooney, NJ Spotlight)

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>Worse is yet to come for local budgets

>Worse is yet to come for local budgets

Drastic cuts in state aid to towns and school districts have led to large-scale layoffs and service cuts throughout the state this year. Class sizes have risen, fewer officers are on patrol, municipal office hours have been limited. (Mikle and Koloff, Daily Record)

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>Study: Police consolidation could save $17M

>Study: Police consolidation could save $17M

Combining police departments in one New Jersey county could save $17 million in overall personnel costs. (The Associated Press)–Police-consolidation-could-save–17M

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>Officials: NJ Budget accord not enough

>Officials: NJ Budget accord not enough

Gov. Chris Christie and Democratic lawmakers may have reached an accord last week on capping arbitration awards for police and firefighters, but some local officials believe that measure and the other so-called “tool kit” reforms won’t be a cure-all during what is expected to be another difficult budget year. (Levinsky, PhillyBurbs)

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>New Jersey Fiscal Crisis: There are multiple problems with the current system

>New Jersey Fiscal Crisis: There are multiple problems with the current system:

1. We have to pay for our own schools plus subsidize the massive state payments to the Abbott disctricts. I’d love to see an estimate of how much of Ridgewood’s tax money get sent each year to the Abbott districts.

2. Our teachers do not pay for enough of their healthcare costs and retirement costs. Public sector retirement plans should be transitioned to 401Ks.

3. The retirement age is too low. It should be at least 60. We are funding 25+ years of reitrement for someone who only worked for 30 years. The math doesn’t work.

4. We have too many non-teachers (administrators, vice principals, secretaries).

5. Special Ed spending is out of control and needs to be reformed at the state level. My understanding is that we spend over 20% of our BOE budget on special ed in one way or another.

6. Class sizes should be increased modestly, from the current 20 to 25. We had 25-30 per class when I was a child and did just fine.

7. We should have differential wages for teachers according to subject matter taught. It is stupid that we pay gym teachers as much as math and science teachers.

8. We should give senior citizens a break on property taxes. Every time a senior who sells a house to a family with kids, it drives our school costs up even more.

9. We should use redistricting more actively to rebalance the school enrollments. We are paying millions of dollars to expand Willard and Ridge, when we could have just shifted the boundary lines a few blocks and put more kids into Orchard.

10. The BOE needs to get serious with the upcoming teachers contract. A wage freeze with benefit givebacks would be a good place to start. Encourage teachers to use their spouses’ healthcare benefits by making ours less attractive. Or, give cash payment in exchange for a teacher using their spous’s benefits.

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Enterprise Rent-A-Car

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>Ridgewood Veterinary Hospital’s Holiday Pet Photo Contest!


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Ridgewood Veterinary Hospital’s Holiday Pet Photo Contest!

Enter a photo on our Facebook page, and you are eligible to win gift certificates redeemable for services at the Ridgewood Veterinary Hospital or the Whole Dog Grooming Salon. Winners are based on the number of “likes” received by viewers on Facebook. The contest ends on January 15, 2011, and winners will be notified by January 30, 2011.

Enter your pet’s photo on facebook at:

For details regarding rules and prizes visit:

To learn more about our hospital as well as current and future events, visit our website at:

Ridgewood Veterinary Hospital
320 E. Ridgewood Ave.
Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Telephone: 201-447-6000

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>Lightgate: Dr. Fishbein is proposing that this time limit be extended until 10:30PM


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Lightgate: Dr. Fishbein is proposing that this time limit be extended until 10:30PM

Remember folks, the current Field Use Policy (available for downloading here: prohibits the use of lights at BOE owned facilites past 9PM (see paragraph F on page 14).

Dr. Fishbein is proposing that this time limit be extended until 10:30PM. However, in order for this to happen, the BOE AND the Village Council must agree and approve changes to the policy.

Obviously, you can forget about the BOE acting with taxpayers’ interest in mind, but there may be hope to have the Village Council say “no way.”

Write Village Council members now and express your desires to retain a “lights out” time of 9PM or earlier at all BOE owned facilities.

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The "High" School Tax Bubble Will Burst!

>The “High” School Tax Bubble Will Burst!

The “High” School Tax Bubble Will Burst! Disaster is Ahead.Just like all the other economic messes we’re in, so will the high school taxes soon cause even greater problems. As noted, our ever increasing school taxes are causing everyone but the richer
school children families wanting to move out of Ridgewood. They simply can’t afford it any more! Paying for 1/2 million dollar Lights plus 2 multi-million dollar turf fields is not wise.

We should be saving money and spending it on academics.The same families that want the sports extras will stay until their kids are out of school and then leave for the Carolinas or other destinations. That leaves the rest of us paying “their” bills and newcomers will not come as easy once the tax rate hits “the roof” which it will in short time with all this reckless spending.THE BUBBLE WILL BURST like in the recent Mortgage fiasco because there will be nobody left to pay these bills we’re obligated for.

What then? “Bankruptcy”? Thank you Ridgewood BOE for your recent purchases of Lights and Turf. Whenwe run out of money we can at least play recreational sports until they are repossessed dueto default!

Lastly, regarding Superintendent pay, does anyone really think Dr. Fishbein is worth more than 1/2 his pay?I ask that seriously and respectfully. Adios Amigos!

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>3 Days Drunk : Local Indy musician gives back.



3 Days Drunk : Local Indy musician gives back.

The singer\bassist for the group 3 Days Drunk is donating a portion of his profits from any 3 Days Drunk song sold between Dec 8 and Christmas from iTunes to Toys for Tots.

We have been in a recession for a couple of years now and folks are struggling to make ends meet. I have seen how tough some folks have it and I just thought what could I do to give a little back. I feel lucky that I still have a job which allows me the ability to pursue my music so I figured that I could give a little back through my music. Music sales are in the decline and the whole industry has been changing over the past few years. However, these changes have allowed independent artists, like myself, to be able to record and put out their music for a low cost. It really doesn’t cost me anything to record an original song since I have my own studio. Recording and releasing a cover song costs me a little more due to licensing. I also have teamed up with a group that gets an artist’s songs up on iTunes and pays a high return to the artist. This allows me to collect a higher payout per song as an independent than most major artists.

Its due to this higher payout that I came up with the idea that I could give something back to charity this year. I chose Toys For Tots because of the work they do and, being a veteran, I have a lot of respect for these guys. Every child deserves to get a present on Christmas and these great folks try every year to make that happen. Being a small independent artist if feel that I am lucky in the fact that I can afford to do what I do. So this is my little way to give back. It would be great to have everyone buy one of our songs as the more that is sold the bigger the donation I will make.

Greg is the singer\bassist for the group 3 Days Drunk. He is also an independent recording engineer\remixer who has done work for major label and independent artists.

3 Days Drunk is a collaboration between 2 friends who use to play together while living in Japan during the 1990’s. As life got in the way and connections were lost, the creative juices would be renewed when Greg asked Bow to help collaborate on a remix, which turned into a cover tune and the first release from 3 Days Drunk. The creative spark has been re-lit and with the use of today’s technology they have started working on new songs together with plans to release each new single as they are recorded independently.

3 Days Drunk can be found online at and can be downloaded from iTunes at

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The Village Council is looking for residents who are interested in volunteering to serve on the Parks, Recreation, and Conservation Board; the Open Space Committee; Project Pride; and the Community Relations Advisory Board.

A brief summary of the duties of these boards/committees is as follows:

The Parks, Recreation, and Conservation Board recommends and reviews new recreation programs; recommends user fee structures for facilities; and recommends rules for use of recreation facilities, among other duties.

The Open Space Committee reviews and recommends properties in the Village to be preserved as open space.

The Project Pride Committee plants and maintains the flowers and plants in the Central Business District, for the enjoyment of all.

The Community Relations Advisory Board deals with issues of improving relations between and making residents aware of the diversity of the various social, religious, cultural, racial, and ethnic groups which make up the residents of the Village of Ridgewood and Glen Rock. This is a joint board with the Borough of Glen Rock.

All interested residents should fill out a Citizen Volunteer Leadership form (found on the Village website,, under “Forms”), indicating on which board/committee they wish to serve, and send it along with a cover letter, and a biography or resume to:

Heather Mailander
Village Clerk
Village of Ridgewood
131 North Maple Ave.
Ridgewood, NJ 07451

Deadline for submission is December 20, 2010.

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