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>a complete retooling of these six search criteria for superintendent

>The Board of Education has re-hired School Leadership LLC to find another new superintendent. They are using the following criteria, which they say was developed with the help of the community. We need a serious intervention or we will end up with another Brooks — cagey, duplicitous, ideologically extreme and smooth as silk. I suggest a complete retooling of these six criteria (listed below) as they are outlined in jargon, education platitudes and gobbledygook. Some suggestions might include the following:

*1. An educator with significant leadership experience, preferably as a superintendent, in a high-expectation school community–
How about: A CEO type individual with experience in business and education (not being a life-long educrat is a big plus) whom others in diverse constituencies have been willing to follow and respect, and who is resilient in the face of diminished expectations emanating from our present school board and curriculum head. A person whose services remain in demand, and for whom we must compete rather than someone who was “let go” by his or her former employer.

*2. An exceptional listener and communicator, with outstanding speaking, writing and interpersonal skills, who has built trust among all members of a school community–
How about: A person for whom honesty is the best policy. One who values forthrightness and frank discussions with parents, students, staff, consultants and the school board. The ability to be a “smooth talker” is not a requirement.

*3. A visible instructional leader, willing to first become intimately acquainted with the Ridgewood schools and community and then share a compelling vision and plan for continued growth–
How about: A person already knowledgeable of the tenets that constituted Ridgewood’s past tradition of excellence, and one for whom that goal would be at the heart of the district’s continued growth.

*4. An administrator who empowers others to carry out the district’s goals but remains accountable for all areas of leadership, including finance and facilities–
Sorry, but an administrator is just another word for a bureaucrat. Administrators do not empower people, rather they employ the leadership survival tools of CYA. No administrator bureaucrat type need apply (see 1).

*5. A strong leader, with demonstrated success in contributing to an effective approach to governance involving the Board, the staff and the school community–
Interesting that parents and taxpayers are notably absent from this particular sentence. How about: Someone who expects to be accountable to parents and taxpayers for the direction of Ridgewood’s schools.

*6. A proven educator, flexible and caring, who will passionately advocate for the learning needs of all (their emphasis) students in the Ridgewood Public Schools–
To whom exactly must this flexible and caring person advocate? How about: A person able to display powerful knowledge of the nation’s education system, including its strengths but, more importantly, its weaknesses so that efforts can be undertaken to limit the system’s harmful byproduct to the education process. Such byproducts include efforts promoted by schools of education to implement more non-academic programs in the classroom; efforts by education publishers to advocate, promote and sell dubious and controversial product; efforts by the teachers union and its supporters to lessen instructional time and add perks to compensation agreements; and efforts to gear curriculum and assessments to merely address statewide standards for proficient student performance.

Adding a 7th:
Someone able to clean up the present inequity and overall weakness of our math program and set our curriculum selections on course to be challenging while ensuring that all students receive the proper support in school to achieve at the standards of a Ridgewood education.


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Proposed Sewer Use Surcharge – Names of Commercial Property Owners & Amounts

As previously reported on the Ridgewood Blog, Village Council members will soon introduce a “sewer use surcharge” ordinance, targeted at 183 high volume commercial water users in Ridgewood. Adoption of the ordinance is expected to generate approximately $119K of revenue in 2008.

Here’s the complete list of business that will be impacted, along with the proposed annual “sewer use surcharge” fee. Schools, churches, Village owned & operated facilities, and Valley Hospital’s main campus will all be exempted. (the list we be posted shortly sorry for the delay)

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>I went through high school with straight A’s in everything, and C’s and D’s in algebra I and algebra II.

>You are forgetting the kids for whom the “reform” math actually helps make math accessible to them. My daughter (RHS grad) would have benefited greatly from this. In fact, I would have benefited from it! Instead, both she and I struggled continuously and eventually just gave up, with little opportunity for alternative ways to learn math concepts. I went through high school with straight A’s in everything, and C’s and D’s in algebra I and algebra II, and that’s it — no geometry, nothing else. Took a basic math class in college to fulfill the requirement. But never really learned. I tried, but teachers simply did not know how to explain it in a way I could actually learn. Now when I read some of the TERC or Everyday Math solutions, they make sense to me! They sound an awful lot like the methods I have figured out for myself! If I had this kind of teaching 30 years ago, I might not have been a “math-hater” all my life.

I know you all are the majority and you obviously have kids who can handle the structure of “old-school” math, but just don’t forget that there ARE kids out there who benefit from a more verbal and conceptual approach. That’s why this stuff was developed in the first place. I guess those kids, like my daughter and I, are expendable?


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>Ancient History of Halloween

Picture 0325

Halloween’s origins date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced sow-in).
The Celts, who lived 2,000 years ago in the area that is now Ireland, the United Kingdom, and northern France, celebrated their new year on November 1. This day marked the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death. Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. On the night of October 31, they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. In addition to causing trouble and damaging crops, Celts thought that the presence of the otherworldly spirits made it easier for the Druids, or Celtic priests, to make predictions about the future. For a people entirely dependent on the volatile natural world, these prophecies were an important source of comfort and direction during the long, dark winter.
To commemorate the event, Druids built huge sacred bonfires, where the people gathered to burn crops and animals as sacrifices to the Celtic deities.

During the celebration, the Celts wore costumes, typically consisting of animal heads and skins, and attempted to tell each other’s fortunes. When the celebration was over, they re-lit their hearth fires, which they had extinguished earlier that evening, from the sacred bonfire to help protect them during the coming winter.

By A.D. 43, Romans had conquered the majority of Celtic territory. In the course of the four hundred years that they ruled the Celtic lands, two festivals of Roman origin were combined with the traditional Celtic celebration of Samhain.

The first was Feralia, a day in late October when the Romans traditionally commemorated the passing of the dead. The second was a day to honor Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit and trees. The symbol of Pomona is the apple and the incorporation of this celebration into Samhain probably explains the tradition of “bobbing” for apples that is practiced today on Halloween.
By the 800s, the influence of Christianity had spread into Celtic lands. In the seventh century, Pope Boniface IV designated November 1 All Saints’ Day, a time to honor saints and martyrs. It is widely believed today that the pope was attempting to replace the Celtic festival of the dead with a related, but church-sanctioned holiday. The celebration was also called All-hallows or All-hallowmas (from Middle English Alholowmesse meaning All Saints’ Day) and the night before it, the night of Samhain, began to be called All-hallows Eve and, eventually, Halloween. Even later, in A.D. 1000, the church would make November 2 All Souls’ Day, a day to honor the dead. It was celebrated similarly to Samhain, with big bonfires, parades, and dressing up in costumes as saints, angels, and devils. Together, the three celebrations, the eve of All Saints’, All Saints’, and All Souls’, were called Hallowmas.

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>Reader submits questions for the Ridgewood Blog Political Poll

How many politicians from the state of New Jersey will be indicted in the next 90 days?

a) 1
b) 10
c) all of them
d) Its Bush’s fault

How many residents will move out of the state of New Jersey in the next 12 months?

a) 50,000
b) 1,000,000
c) all of them
d) No other state wants them

How long will it take to raise your state taxes after the November election?

a) 1 minute
b) 1 day
c) 30 days
d) Its Bush’s fault

How large will the state budget deficit be this year?

a) 1 billion
b) 3 billion
c) 10 billion
d) What deficit?

How many dead people will vote in the next election in New Jersey?

a) 10,000
b) 15,000
c) all of them
d) Even dead people won’t vote for these idiots

How much money will Jon Corzine pay off to his next Mistress?

a) $500,000
b) $1,000,000
c) $10,000,000
d) He wont he’ll cheat her out of it also

The next governor of New Jersey will be?

a) Hugo Chaves
b) Raul Castro
c) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
d) A player to be named later

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>the fly has heard…….

>….. that there was to be a safety meeting set up by the principal of Travell to include parents and valley hospital. Last minute Valley canceled stating that they would not go before an open mike. Do you think that the parents of Travell need to know what is going on at Valley?

The fly asks , Is this expansion possibly a done deal and they need not answer to the public?

3balls Golfshow?id=mjvuF8ceKoQ&bids=55539

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Ridgewood Water Primed To Receive 5 Million Gallons Per Day From Outside Sources

>In response to repeated questions from taxpayers concerning a “blended” water supply system, Ridgewood Water’s Frank J. Moritz briefed the Village Council and gathered members of the public last night on his organization’s plans to ensure an adequate long-term supply of water for all subscribers in its service area. Accompanying Mr. Moritz at the podium was William G. Mowell, the utility’s Senior Operating Engineer.

Moritz confidently and clearly outlined the Ridgewood Water operating system, which is currently capable of supplying artesian well water at the rate of 18 million gallons per day to subscribers in Ridgewood, Glen Rock, Midland Park, and Wyckoff. In addition to its 18 million gallon per day supply capability, the system has a storage capacity of 14 million gallons. Unfortunately, daily demand could reach 27 million gallons during peak lawn irrigation months in the summer, creating a situation in which water supplies might be exhausted if daily usage remained high for several days in a row. Winter demand averages only 7 million gallons daily; wells can be shut down in the winter to “rest” said Moritz.

Despite its subscriber base preference for pure artesian well water, Moritz explained that Ridgewood Water is no longer capable of meeting year round demand through exclusive use of its own system. Thus, interconnections have been established with both United Water and the Borough of Hawthorne’s water supply systems. These interconnections are capable of supplying a combined total of up to 5 million gallons per day, if needed.

Our contract with United Water calls for purchasing a minimum of 550K gallons per day via a connection located in Wyckoff. Therefore, surface water will be flowing into Ridgewood Water’s system year round. Mr. Moritz did not clarify whether any of this particular surface water would make its way to Ridgewood. However, he did reveal that one of the interconnection points with United Water is located on Hampshire Road in Ridgewood. This connection is capable of bringing in 1 million gallons per day.

The Fly wonders if United Water cares where we bring the 500K gallons into our system daily. Could surface water be coming into Ridgewood daily, even though Village Council members would like us to believe its all going to subscribers in Wyckoff?


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Possible $1 Million Shortfall in 2008 Municipal Budget – Village Council Flatly Rejects Several Cost Saving Projects

>During last night’s Village Council Work Session, Village CFO Dorothy Stikna revealed that it will take a miracle of sorts to balance next year’s municipal budget. If the current spending rate holds, Stikna said a 7.6% increase in the municipal tax rate would be required to keep our heads above water, mainly due to anticipated charges associated with police/fire pension payments, and an inability to sell the Village held liquor license for $600K. However, a State of NJ imposed 4.0% budget cap is in place, so movement must take place on one end or the other. The problem now faced by Village Council members is: “what expenses must be cut, and/or what revenue generating opportunities could be quickly implemented?”

On the heels of Stikna’s unsettling revelation, Council members flatly rejected a series of cost savings proposals offered by Director of Operations Frank J. Moritz. Mr. Moritz claimed that a switch to twice weekly curbside rubbish pickup, or reducing the number of rear yard pickups to 1 per week instead of 2, could save $265K per year. In addition, Moritz said another $100K per year would be saved if yard waste pickups were completely eliminated. Councilman Patrick A. Mancuso summed up the Council’s opinion about making any cuts in services Ridgewood residents have come to expect by telling Moritz: “No way Jose!” Deputy Mayor Betty G. Wiest also commented, saying that a serious traffic hazard would be created if residents were forced to drive their yard waste to a central collection station.

Although Council members certainly had no appetite for cost cutting last night, they did quickly devour a revenue generating opportunity served up by Ms. Stikna. Beginning within the next several months, the 180-200 highest usage commercial customers of Ridgewood Water, based within Ridgewood, will be slapped with a new “sewer usage fee.” This is expected to generate approximately $120K in new municipal revenue during 2008.

Councilman Jacques Harlow nicely summed up discussion related to the 2008 budget by saying that “$1 million needs to be cut from this budget and we really haven’t gotten serious about doing it yet.” In response, Village Manager James M. Ten Hoeve assured Council members that there would additional focus on larger cost cutting and revenue generation projects scheduled to take place during upcoming Village Council Work Sessions.


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>BOE Approves 2008 Tuition Rate Estimates

>Picture 0028
Tuition rate estimates for the 2007-2008 school year were approved by BOE members during Monday night’s meeting:

* Half-day Kindergarten: $9,300
* Grades 1-5: $12,200
* Grades 6-8: $13,300
* Grades 9-12: $12,200
* Learning/Language Disabled: $27,300
* Full-Day Preschool Disabled: $27,600
* Kindergarten Resource Center: $22,700
* Resource Center, Grades 1-5: $25,600
* Resource Center, Grades 6-8: $26,700
* Resource Center, Grades 9-12: $25,600
* Autistic: $63,000

Estimates are based on calculations required by the NJ Department of
Education and are subject to future adjustments.

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>Anti McMansion Ordinance Becomes Effective 10/30/2007

>New Gross Building Area Regulations Adopted

The Village Council passed an ordinance on October 10, 2007 amending the land use regulations that limit the size of single family and two family residential buildings and accessory structures. The Floor Area Ratio (FAR) regulations are being replaced by Gross Building Area Ratio (GBAR) regulations. The effective date of the ordinance is October 30, 2007. Any construction project that has not had a building permit issued or an approval from the Board of Adjustment by the effective date is subject to the new regulations. The new ordinance can be viewed by clicking the title below:

Ord. No. 3083 Amend Chp. 190 – Land Use & Devel. – Gross Building Area Reg


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>Reserved Commuter Parking Still Available On Corsa Terrace

>The Village of Ridgewood is requesting bids to lease five off street parking spaces on Corsa Terrace.

Bid packages can be obtained at Village Hall, Manager’s Office. Bids will be opened Tuesday, October 30, 2007 at 10:00 a.m., Village Hall, 5th Level Conference Rm. Minimum bid is $125 per month per reserved space. There were a total of six spaces available; one space has already been leased for $126 per month.

Call 201/670-5500x 204 for bid package and further details.

One space has already been leased for $126 per month.

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>As someone who deals with numbers everyday,…..

>I had a conference with my childrens’ Sommerville teachers recently and I asked them to specifically show me what they are teaching the children and what role traditional math instruction (rote memorization and computation) fills in their instruction. I explained that I have spoken with a number of very well respected math educators at secondary and college levels and with one of the most respected astrophysisists in the world about the subject or reform math. These true experts had varying opinions on the value of “reform math”. But, they all agreed on two things:

1) Traditional math MUST be a part of the instruction, particularly at the early grades (1-4 grade) to form a foundation, upon which other instruction can be built.

2) Reform math is not bad, when used as a supplement to traditional math instruction. It is only bad when as an alternative to traditional math instruction, at the expense of traditional math instruction.

As someone who deals with numbers everyday, I also explained that Everyday Math is NOT how math is done in the business world. I was pleased to hear that they agreed 100%. To these teachers’ credit, they go out of their way to ensure that their students are getting traditional math instruction to form a “base” with extra materials, beyond what Everyday Math teaches. Therefore, the real issue is what YOUR childrens’ teachers are teaching, not whether the school uses Everyday Math.

Although I am confident that my children are getting the math instruction I want and I have no problem with the more creative math instruction as an additive curriculum. I am concerned that Somerville has adopted Everday math as its official curriculum. I would be much more comfortable if the school’s position was that Everyday Math is clearly a “supplement” to the core curriculum.

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>some thoughts from last nights BOE meeting

>An Open Public Records Act request was filed with the district in the summer, but the information requested is still being gathered.

Public Comment. Discussion around the table. The math issue still exists regardless of some homework seeming to be genuine in its mathematics. Inside the classroom, the TERC materials still rule the math hour for students at Travell and Orchard. If it is quality curriculum material, then why isn’t the district sending home with the children their TERC 2nd edition Student Activity Book and why hasn’t the district provided the children with TERC 2nd edition reference books? I mean if children and parents have difficulty with the new pedagogy espoused by the TERC materials, wouldn’t those books help to build a strong home to school connection? Or is the district afraid the pictures within such books are “worth a thousand words”? Would none of those “pictures” be complementary to the program. Just how much money did the BOE authorize and the district spend on TERC? How long of a term is our licensing agreement with the TERC publisher and the CMP2 pubisher? Answers to those questions will inform parents as to how long this reform math mess will exist in their neck of Ridgewood.

Parent with a PhD Chemical Engineering offers some sage words to the BOE

Parent returns with questions asked before and so much more for the BOE

Final Thoughts

Visit the Math Help For Kids section of this website. Houghton Mifflin has eBooks of its 2005 math series. Download it. Print it. Follow it. Teach it to your child. Content matters in mathematics. If you can’t purchase Singapore Mathematics or Saxon Mathematics for home schooling your child, try the material from Houghton Mifflin.

Mathematics is the one subject where content matters. And Singapore Mathematics and Saxon Mathematics honor the scholarly body of work that is mathematics – it honors its precision, its algorithms, and its appropriate sequence. So if the focus isn’t on the very algorithms of the body of work called mathematics; then in the words of the Ph.D at this evenings BOE meeting: the algorithms are being short shrifted. And my own comment, within those algorithms lie a world of learning.