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Public Water Forum co-hosted by the League of Women Voters of Ridgewood, on October 17, 2018

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Ridgewood NJ, Mark your calendars for a Public Water Forum co-hosted by the League of Women Voters of Ridgewood, NJ on October 17, 2018. The featured speaker is Debbie Mans , Deputy Commissioner for the NJDEP.

Co-Hosted by League of Women Voters of Ridgewood, NJ with Debbie Mans (Deputy Commissioner of the NJDEP) as the featured speaker. Find out how this summer’s excessive rain will impact our water supply and if tiered pricing is the way of the future for water.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018 at 7:30 PM – 9 PM

Ridgewood Public Library
125 N Maple Ave, Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450

Debbie Mans, who served as Energy Policy Advisor to Governor Jon Corzine, will become Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection effective February 14, Acting Commissioner Catherine R. McCabe announced today.

Mans comes to the DEP with extensive experience both in government and with environmental organizations. She most recently served as Baykeeper and Executive Director of the NY/NJ Baykeeper, a conservation organization that works to protect, preserve and restore the Hudson-Raritan Estuary.

“Debbie Mans’ commitment to clean energy and conservation makes her an excellent choice to help the DEP lead the nation in developing solutions to such critical issues as climate change and renewable energy,” Acting Commissioner McCabe said. “Debbie has spent her entire career devoted to improving the environment for all, and I look forward to her expertise helping shape our mission.”
“I am excited to join the Department of Environmental Protection and get to work on a number of key environmental issues facing our state,” Mans said. “We need to ensure that New Jersey is on a path to clean energy and sustainability, while also protecting public health, cleaning up polluted sites, and conserving our natural resources.”

Mans has served as Baykeeper and the Matawan-based organization’s Executive Director since April 2008. Prior to joining Baykeeper, she served as Environmental and Energy Policy Advisor to then-Governor Jon S. Corzine, assisting in the development of a State Energy Master Plan charting clean energy plans through 2020. Governor Corzine at the time also appointed Mans to the New Jersey State Planning Commission.
Before working for the Governor, Mans served as Baykeeper’s Policy Director from 2002 to 2006, where she developed policies and programs to promote Baykeeper’s mission. Mans analyzed proposed regulations at all levels of government, reviewing permit applications, environmental impact statements and more.

From 2000 to 2002, Mans worked with the Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association as a Policy and Outreach Specialist. In that role, Mans directed activities for a program designed to build New Jersey’s community-based watershed organizations. She also analyzed municipal land use ordinances, zoning and master plans, and helped create plans to advance environmental stewardship.
In other roles, Mans in January testified before Congress about the urgent need to protect public health by continuing to clean up Superfund sites in communities along the Passaic River.
Mans’ volunteer activities have included chairing the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters and serving on the board of its Education Fund. She has also served on the board of New Jersey Future.

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