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Quick Thinking Ridgewood Police Officer Calls in Bee Keeper to Contain Willard School Bee Hive

Ridgewood swarm of bees

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

May 19,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, A swarm of bees gathered on the side of a large oak tree near a sidewalk 1/2 block away from the Willard Elementary School in Ridgewood attracted the attention of Ridgewood PD patrol officer Jeffrey Kay just prior to 12 noon on Wednesday, 5/18. Officer Kay deployed yellow caution tape to block the sidewalk near the tree, then remained on the scene to ensure the safety of parents and students until the bee swarm was safely removed by Frank Mortimer, President of the Northeast New Jersey Beekeepers Association. Mr. Mortimer, who lives in Ridgewood, had been delivering a presentation to students at the Ridge Elementary School in Ridgewood at the time he received a telephone call that his services were required by Officer Kay. The bees were carefully swept from the tree into a box, which was then placed in Mr. Mortimer’s station wagon for transport to a nearby hive.

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2 thoughts on “Quick Thinking Ridgewood Police Officer Calls in Bee Keeper to Contain Willard School Bee Hive

  1. Ridgewood PD is the best!

  2. Another job well done by RPD.

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