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Reader asks Was Evan Weitz planted in Ridgewood by special interest groups?

Ridgewood Yard Signs

Hi James – here is a reader says story for you. Please take it if you find it interesting. I was surprised to find this fact and thought the voters should know:

Was Evan Weitz planted in Ridgewood by special interest groups?

It is a widely known speculation that our current mayor was sent to Ridgewood to bring Hudson County politics to Ridgewood. He ran for the office as soon as he moved to Ridgewood and has strategically placed the right people in different committees over the years to get the job done for developers and politicians. Rumors are that he is already renovating his house and preparing to move out once his task is done.

We looked at the council candidates for 2016. All but one are long term residents. Something VERY interesting came up for Evan Weitz. He moved to the village in late 2012 and in 2015 he was appointed to Financial Advisory Committee and made it’s CHAIR by resolution 15-301. We DID NOT find any other committee or volunteering experience from Evan before his role in Financial Advisory Committee and when he was made the chair, Janice Willet was Vice Chair of the committee already. She wasn’t promoted to the CHAIR of the committee and instead he was brought in and made the chairman. He has no prior experience with municipal financing in other towns or any experience with how Ridgewood works and our village’s finances or resident needs. He has not served in any other committee. Evan is an attorney by trade and has no experience or degree in Finance. This was evident with his answers in council meeting when he was cross examined.

So the reader asks what is the rationale for bringing a new comer to Financial Advisory Committee and bring him as the chair. Who brought him in? Who are his backers? This is he representing there? Is he being planted to complete some work that PA could not complete?

27 thoughts on “Reader asks Was Evan Weitz planted in Ridgewood by special interest groups?

  1. Aha – that explains why he doesn’t understand the charm of our CBD and has his signs all over CBD. Did he say in his introduction video that the current council is not making bold decisions and he wants to approve even higher density housing and big development?

  2. What a bunch of crooks. I can’t wait for Aronsohn to get the hell out of my village. However it is our fault that these people made it to govern Ridgewood. Majority of village is indifferent and totally ignorant of local politics. They consider elections just a formality and don’t even bother to vote. My fear is that unless residents wake up these crooks will make it through and continue with their agenda. Wake up and vote.

  3. Certainly looks that way. Just watch his video, and then think how important the word “trust” is.

  4. His bio says he is a Prosecutor/US Attorney and former NYC District Attorney. I am willing to bet on integrity from someone with that background. I think its pretty hard to buy a DA or US Attorney.

    Someone should ask him tonight about the FAC and why he is running after being in village for so little time. I agree, I always prefer someone who remembers what Ridgewood was and knows what it could be again.

  5. What does it matter that he has only lived in Ridgewood for a few years? Maybe being new to town could provide some fresh insights and new ideas. Lord knows the CBD and Graydon could use some new thinking.
    Everyone running for public office has a motive, and if that motive doesn’t jive with yours, it’s not a conspiracy, its just politics. All I know is that it comes down to votes, he’s either going to get more votes and win a seat or he’s not – its really that simple. Let’s stop with the conspericy theories.

  6. Just because someone is a prosecutor or ASSISTANT DA, doesn’t mean they have integrity. It’s a stepping stone for lawyers fresh out of law school who want to practice criminal law. Plenty of lawyers locked up everyday. Not that this is the case for Evan Weitz, I don’t know him but assuming he has integrity because he was an ADA is absolutely ridiculous.

  7. 9.50am. I agree with you. Absolutely ridiculous.

  8. 9:06 what type of change do you want to bring to CBD and Graydon? Who are you selling our village to?

  9. No, suggesting that an ADA/US Attorney can be bribed by developers who plot for him to move to a small town so he can run for office 4 years later to support housing and a parking garage is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS and offensive.

  10. 10:09
    In the CBD, for starters maybe do something about the abandoned car dealers, dilapidated buildings like the cleaners by Sook. the Town Garage disgrace…
    Graydon is a good concept but is in desperate need of new thinking. Who came up with the design of the cinderblock and chain link fence aerators? They look like they were designed by someone who designs prisons. Clean water would be nice. Currently, the water passes NJ State DEP standards for a “pond/bathing beach”. We deserve better.
    Why do surrounding towns pools not allow non residents and our “historic gem of a pool” is open to anyone with a check book? Smart change and progress is needed in Ridgewood.

  11. Curious as to whether he ever voted in a Ridgewood election before deciding to run himself?

  12. 10:34 a.m. The water is clean. What do you mean you deserve better. Get into a bed at Valley and you will get the sterilization you require.

    Better stay out of the ocean; anywhere in the world.

  13. Of course Ahronson will be moving. He lives near Valley and doesn’t want to live through ten years of construction.

  14. Funny the endorsement signs on the deputy mayors lawn were down today. Even the candidates realized it was not helpful to be tied to the trio but make no mistake the new trio was handpicked by the last and have similar agendas.

  15. The biggest question is – why is Brooks running?

    was he guaranteed a win?

  16. Well, we did ask for plants in the CBD planters! I guess we got what we asked for!

  17. I applaud Ellen McNamara for using her name. Why don’t all the “Anonymous” do the same so we truly know who stands where?

  18. Gail : I fail to see why it’s important that anyone uses their name. What is important is what they are saying. Rurik Halaby uses his name and his comments are usually asinine and irrelevant.

  19. Ellen- Great sense of humor ! We could certainly use that…

  20. How about those who comment should put there name on it, not anonymous!

  21. Strange plants sticking out of the concrete pots…

  22. I’m going to have to agree with the articles premise. NYC DA’s office is a cesspool of corruption and conflicts of interests. Real organized crime, RICO enterprises go on protected by government prosecutors and law enforcement…these are not “conspiracy theory’s” and its not the “Sopranos”. An attorney with his background suddenly running the Ridgewood financial committee and now wanting to be on the Council; sorry, I don’t buy it for one minute.

  23. Wow…..conspiracy theory much!?!

  24. Gail Job and Dan S…. there are 2 classifications of anonymous posters… those who express legitimate opinions that may be contrary to their neighbors (think east siders that think the expansion is a good idea and/or are fine with the hdh and parking plans as well as west siders who don’t look down on east siders as peasants) and don’t want to make waves or be ostracized. Then, there are those who post cheap shots and name calling (they would never have the cojones to say it to someone’s face)… This site is a credit as it DOES allow people to say what’s on their mind, regardless of if you are in the yay or nay crowd… the morons who take the cheap shots can hide in comfort and of course they don’t realize that they damage their own cause… such is the state of our “quaint village”…

  25. Evan Weitz said there is ‘opportunity’ to build / ‘give the land to private developer’ for almost every available land in the village including the north walnut lot.

  26. Evan is a puppet of RS. He was appointed as the chair of the FAC, instead of promoting the vice chair Willet to the Chair position. Willet and RS don’t agree on everything. Evan and RS agree on everything. That’s because Willet is honest.

  27. Where can I find information about where the candidates stand on all the issues?

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