Senator Menendez speaking at Ridgewood REORG photo by Boys Loving
Reader Claims Photos of Senator Menendez Appear to inappropriately Associate Village Council
Readers says ,”Every time I see a picture of Aronsohn or other Village Council members inappropriately associated with a story about the Menendez scandal I wonder whether the Ridgewood Blog can be held liable for a defamation of character suit.
Maybe James should reconsider his fast and loose practices on this Blog, in favor of more responsible behavior???
Are you suggesting that Village Council member knew anything about his alleged violations? If you want to post something about Menendez, that is fine. But, if you are going to show a picture, have the decency to show a picture of Menendez or someone related related to the story, not an unrelated member of Ridgewood’s Village Council.”
Editor’s Note : Perhaps the council should have thought of that before you invited the Senator ?
Aronsohn liked the publicity he got by using his close ties to Menedez — which is why we have the picture in the first place. Like it or not, you are judged by the company you keep. Has Aronsohn sought to distance himself from Menendez? I haven’t heard anything.
In good times and in bad times.
Menedez ddnt randomly show up. I’m pretty sure he was invited. His association with certain members of the VC is certainly relevent to me. Aronsohn cut his teeth with McGreevey., grew up with the Feriero machine, and now courts Menedez. Frankly, I see a pattern.
You are judged by the people you associate yourself with. I’m sure the photo-op was intentional and planned. Live with your choices!
Wasn’t he invited to speak in his capacity as a NJ Senator, not because of ties to any VC member?
Are you seriously trying to suggest that Menedez’s attendance had nothing to do with his relationship with Aronsohn? Just curious, but how many NJ Senators have come to swear in Ridgewood Village Council members in the past?
No he was not invited to speak in his public capacity. He was invited to swear in the three new Council members.
Has the “anonymous source” who made these allegations been identified yet?
Fair is fair….
Aronsohn’s cool with his association with McGeevy, so why not Menendez?
The girls should be represented too…
Where there is smoke there fire.
#10 That is the mantra of people who love rumors. Journalists have backed off the story because the source still cannot be verified all these weeks later. The internet loves gossip.
Those who do not seek, Do not find…