file photo by Boyd Loving
What needs to be explored is #1 what does this business do for Ridgewood besides pay a below market rent?
What benefits are there for Ridgewood to place a business in a park? To have changed the use of a home and whole residential area?
Why are certain folk supporting this to the extreme of embarrassing themselves?
And most importantly how much is this business costing the town of Ridgewood to be here?
And lastly if the business was down the street in waldwick would Ridgewood lose out on anything besides the under market rent?
Any class she does for the town or Ridgewood she gets paid,so why do we tax payers have to give up a park and a rental property?
She puts her tents in the parkland which is not rented by ger, Every Day!
This is equivalent to legalizing the wall.
Tomorrow if another business with hood intentions, I.e. a yoga studio starts occupying another Ridgewood Park Every Day, for profit, will the town allow that?
In summers she always have more students attending the classes then what’s allowed in the firecode for that house. So she uses park area, for which she is NOT paying us any rent.
It is not about the business it is about the placement and the rules that were changed to put it there without proper channels and notification being done.
The lease needs to be reviewed with the tax payers in mind and then it needs to be enforced and followed. This is a lot of extra work for Ridgewood employees and the council. If in fact the gate house remained residential the town would be getting a heck of a lot more money and no extra work. Just a thought!
It was appalling at the start and has become increasingly appalling. Must end. We could use a stronger ordinance to prevent anything like this from happening again.
If her operation is so wonderful, she should have no problem finding a new spot. Malls and business properties give you a blank space and you do the building. In this case, she pays minimal rent and Ridgewood does all the work. Unfortunately, she will never find a sucker deal like this again but she must have earned enough money off of Ridgewood to be able to afford to move. She gives nothing free to Ridgewood and most of her students do not come from here. She doesn’t even live here so she has no money in the deal (her taxes).