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Reader says Anyone pointing fingers at past Councils about conflicts of interest is clearly trying to divert attention away from the several conflicts with the current Council

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

Anyone pointing fingers at past Councils about conflicts of interest is clearly trying to divert attention away from the several conflicts with the current Council. Mr. Killion is long gone folks. We have several critical issues before this Council and the 3 majority members all seem to have cozy relationships with the parties that have a lot to gain from their “YES” vote. Money has already changed hands from Mr. Saraceno to our Council majority in the form of $1,000 fundraiser tickets for them and their dates. Mr. Pucciarelli and Mrs. Hauck have clear conflicts on the Valley Hospital lawsuit.

Apologists for the Council majority cry “old news” when these conflicts come up yet they point fingers at past Councils as a convenient way to deflect any blame that comes their way.

11 thoughts on “Reader says Anyone pointing fingers at past Councils about conflicts of interest is clearly trying to divert attention away from the several conflicts with the current Council

  1. Does she keep her eyes affixed to her computer screen when eating dinner with her family too?

  2. Typical Aronsohn tactic; divert attention away from the real issue.

  3. The main finger pointer is Albert. He literally points his finger angrily at anyone who dares to disagree with him. If he saw Mayor Killion in person, his finger would probably,pierce Keiths brain.

  4. And Ms. Knudsen’s parents live directly across the street from the proposed Schedler field. May not be an “official” conflict of interest. But she definitely has a bias interest into the matter.

  5. Al could try to do that but I think Killion could hold his own as long as he does’t grab al hair.

  6. Oh puleeze, 4:23. This has been asked and answered. She does not have an official conflict of interest. Done. Pucciarelli lives near the CBD. Does this mean he cannot vote on any CBD matters? Aronsohn lives near Graydon. Does this mean he cannot vote on any Graydon matters. Give it up. Susan is honest and forthright, she has no hidden agenda regarding Schedler.

  7. Puch gets much of his info, accurate or not, from Tom Landers who was passed over for promotion. Ultimately Jon Ward was promoted instead. Tom Landers ended up driving a recycle truck. This happened while Keith Killion was mayor, so as long as puch is involved with the council expect a continuous diatribe from puch and his lackey against Killion or anyone who was a supporter of him.

  8. It’s a bit of a stretch to say that Mrs. Knudson has a conflict with Schedler as I understand it’s her parents that live in that neighborhood. Even so, I bet she would agree to recuse herself on Schedler if Mrs. Hauck and Mr. Pucciarelli would recuse on Valley and if all 3 of the Council majority would recuse on Mr. Saraceno’s application.

    Fair enough?

  9. Pooch hates Killion because Killion was well liked, he is an honest man, and oh by the way Keith has a wonderful head of hair.

  10. “Near” is much different than directly across the street — probably the most closest house to the proposed entrance/parking lot. This is not a long lost relative, but her parent’s house. I believe I have seen her at her parents house and I can not be 100% sure her judgement is not fogged by “protecting” her potential inheritance or tainted by her views of her parents? I respect Ms. Knudson on many different topics, however this specific topic seems to have a much different energy/tone making me feel like there more agendas consciously or subconsciously

  11. 9:58 – get over it. She checked the law, and she is not required or even expected to recuse herself. She would have been more than willing, but the law says she does not have to. So, if she has been cleared to remain in the discussions and votes, then why shouldn’t she? Just because you don’t like her? Um, sorry, you are not an elected official (unless you are one posting anonymously) – you do not get to say who does and who does not get to vote if they are within their legal rights. You are judging her to be unable to look at this project without bias. How dare you make such a judgement about her when Councilwoman Knudsen has proven herself to be completely fact-oriented and honest (along with Mike) . You “believe you have seen her at her parents house?’ Ooooh, wow, great detective work there, maybe you can be hired by Aronsohn to smoke out the bandits who sent the parking garage flier. Calm down and stop accusing Susan of any wrongdoing. You are way off base.

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