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Reader says “gun control” equals good guys won’t have guns, bad guys will

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Reader says , LOL Murphy was too busy crying about the media “releasing” his sons medical records. This is a perfect example of how gun control and tighter gun laws are not going to stop much or ANY of our countries gun violence. This was a gang rivalry which means 99% of the guns used we’re probably bought off the black market, has nothing to do with people who are willing to buy a gun legally, Same thing with columbine, all the guns those kids had we’re from the black market as well. The liberals don’t understand that you can take all the gun stores THAT DO THINGS THE RIGHT WAY. Eventually, good guys won’t have guns, bad guys will….and that’s when humanity starts screwing itself over, but after all….that’s what the liberals want.

So what no protests ,or school walk outs , no blame the NRA?  The facts remain the same controlling legal gun ownership has almost no impact on gun violence . “This was gang warfare. And it’s probably the most common form of gun violence seen in major cities on a yearly basis. But nobody is talking about it the way they will if a deranged white guy with a rifle commits the far more rare mass shooting of that type. There’s a gun violence problem here that could be addressed, making a serious difference. But places like Baltimore, Maryland and Chicago, Illinois still have municipal leaders who can’t bring themselves to pass harsher laws to put away first-time offenders who commit gun crimes. They prefer to focus on justice reform, emptying the prisons more quickly and blaming the police.”

3 thoughts on “Reader says “gun control” equals good guys won’t have guns, bad guys will

  1. But the Dems will feel good about the useless legislation. They might even hold a signing ceremony and clap like seals.

  2. How come no protest by “black lives matter”?
    Oh my bad. Black lives only matter when shot by a white cop.
    It’s not a gun problem. It’s a culture issue.
    When a “baby momma” has 5 children from 5 men who do not accept their father role, the young men turn to the street life. There is no discipline or father figure at home, and we see the results.
    Wake up to the facts it’s not the gun it’s the thug using it illegally.
    But the liberals like Murphy and that old bag Weinberg ignore the obvious

  3. AGENDA-
    1. Take guns away from law abiding citizens
    2. Open borders and allow illegal aliens to flood the country.

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