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Reader says HealthBarn gets Too Many Gifts from the Town

Healthbarn USA ridgewood

file photo by Boyd Loving

Name one other private business that receives free garbage collection. Also was the disputed PSE&G bill for the spotlights she ordered? Without her equals no spotlights, so she should pay! This woman is beginning to sound like Roberta’s twin, not just a friend. Please, please fix this problem –by eliminating it. No one deserves the gifts she gets for her business from Ridgewood. If any other businesses in town need financial help, are we going to start providing it to everyone who asks?

10 thoughts on “Reader says HealthBarn gets Too Many Gifts from the Town

  1. Spotlights,double yellow line the length of upper hillcrest rd, and enormous amount of added signage and ticking marks all added to this beautiful stretch of Hiilcrest rd all for this business.

  2. Yes, but don’t forget we are giving a massive present to the apartment developers who are building massive apartments without adequate parking and to short sighted restaurant owners by building all of them a garagemahala. That is an even bigger handout than the 800 square feet of lawn space for the healthbarn.

  3. 6:41pm – it’s not just 800 square feet. 800 square feet is just permanent fence. Every day in summer months, the number of kids there are more than the number of kids that can be accomodated in the house. So they put up a tent in the park and use the park and playground area. Sure anyone can use the park, but by putting tents there, they basically “claim” the space and other residents can’t go there, or atleast they think they can’t go there because a private event is taking place with tents and all.
    This happens every day in summer months.

  4. Not just the 800 feet it is the use of all the property. I don’t live by there and my young son walked there with friends to play soccer and had to leave because it was monopolized by some soccer group healthbarn had there for camp

  5. A neighbors young daughter was told she couldn’t play on the play scape during a party because healthbarn kids were PAYING healthbarn to use it. That isn’t very comfortable for a little kid. More and more neighbors are avoiding the park because of this type of situations

  6. How come no one has named one private business that gets the same support?

  7. Why does this business get all this financial and social media support. Is there a paper trail here to follow

  8. Council, please wake up! You simply can’t bury this forever. The longer you stall, the more they get by with and the more money Ridgewood loses, as well as the whole park becoming wholly their property. What right to they have to tell non-paying children that they must leave the park? They rented a house, they certainly do not pay enough rent to assume that the whole property is theirs. But you are definitely allowing them to do so!

  9. I have to say that I am a tad disappointed that nothing has been done at that Park or changed to help out the neighbors. I read about a self serving council and don’t want to believe it BUT the give away at Habernicle has been ignored as stated in comment above. Maybe putting my trust in the council is questionable since this business has been running partially on tax payers dollars for over 2.5 years and council and VM just listen and look away


    The council created this problem and the time has come for the council to fix this problem.

    This “business” has destroyed what was once a lovely and charming neighborhood.

    As a reminder, the principle that government must be both “limited in power and ACCOUNTABLE to the people” lies at the core of our constitutional traditions (especially so in local government). Take action against Health Barn or we the people will take action by voting you out when your terms expire…

    Can you hear us know?

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