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Reader says ,”this Fairshare (Housing) is nothing but builders seeking to override local zoning for their own profits”


“how the builders got away with this misnamed group is beyond me. this fairshare is nothing but builders seeking to override local zoning for thei r own profits. they are coming in and desrtroying open space that we had saved for the nature that will save our lives. the trees go down, the animals have no place to live. teh birds cant sing anymore. it is horrible. we need to stop letting groups call themselves misnames. the judges in nj seem to not get it. this affordabe housing assault on towns is in teh fourth assault on towns or is it more than that. they will go on into eternity. they have no intention of ever stopping. there will be the tenth assault unless we get this changed now. stop the affordable housing assault on towns and on us. its against all of us. we are into more congestion when nj is already the most congested states in this union. we just are running out of room.”

6 thoughts on “Reader says ,”this Fairshare (Housing) is nothing but builders seeking to override local zoning for their own profits”

  1. Build it big, more people, more money.

  2. More people equals more business people are going to spend money.We did here at the meeting they’re going to hire more police and fire because of all the housing.

  3. we need to know how much more tax revenue will the Town be raking in.

  4. So very true. Good thinking,

  5. Christie did it–one of the major and enduring disasters of his eight years. The builder’s remedy, indeed–the entire state will suffer for this forever.

  6. High density housing is pitched as some great humanitarian effort of sorts, but in reality is nothing more than exploitation of the poor and of a communities resources, for the profit of an outside interest (a corporation, investors/developers etc.) That profit will be dangled in front of your counsel members, commissioners and elected officials, and they will be corrupted by it, selling their community off for personal monetary gain. Communities must come together to support & educate each other in order to say NO to these proposals and not be fooled by the smoke & mirrors sales pitch story of housing shortage and increased revenues.

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