file photo by Boyd Loving
That’s got to be one of the stupidest laws that we ever heard of allowing people just don’t walk from the sidewalk and curb into the street where traffic is rolling down the road and a minimum of 25 mph. I don’t give a shit about what law, I teach my kids before you walk into a street anywhere in the world you look both ways it’s just common sense. I love it when you get these idiots will just walk into the street with their head down, And then they have their phone on listening to music looking up at the space you idiots. I blame the parents for not teaching your kids from right and wrong that more is wrong. If someone is driving down Ridgewood having you at 25 mph the law, and a fool just went into the street without looking are you kidding me. And what about these jaywalkers that walk out between garage and getting it put cameras put cameras all around the CBD and you’ll see the stupidity thank you-year-old friend.
Hey whatever happened to the orange flags that they put up on a few intersections, but the workers can utilize crossing the street. Ha,ha,
That is so true I teach my kids the same thing. You never walk right into her street without looking both ways get the attention of the driver that’s what I teach my kids. Either in a parking lot you don’t just walk to a park and walk in front of cars without looking, 95% of the people that get it I think it’s their fault. Because before the snow past we never had this kind of a problem do we feel that 25 mph in the CBD is fast yes it is. It should be 15 mph, because I 25 mph coming down Ridgewood Avenue and someone runs in front of you you cannot stop. The big problem in the CBD is New Jersey transit buses flying through every day those drivers are horrible, pick up in front of you they cut you off they push you out of the lane the very Aggressive. They are like the new pulleys on the road.
To all walkers look both ways before you walk in any street . Pay attention of your surroundings. Don’t assume their cars can stop in a second just because you walked out there so I will can come up into the road without locking be smart.
How many people must be reading this and are saying to themselves I’m so embarrassed. Right ! ??♀️
Yes they are.because they know they are so very mad at them self for theching their kids to do the roung thing.?
I spend so long looking “left then right and left again” (as taught in grammar school ten million years ago) that more traffic comes.
I’m afraid its not just the kids. How many adults, with or without kids, walk behind a backing car? We were all taught that was a dangerous thing to do. One can be half out of your space and someone will walk right behind your car. If you don’t stop, you’ll hit them and it will all be your fault. It appears almost no one has any common sense these days.