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Reader says , “If you are getting pornographic pop-ups it is because you have been visiting pornographic websites”

internet 240414

Re: “The problem is the pop up sites that sometimes are pornographic and violent. “
I work on computers every day for most of the day and also spend the usual computer/device time when not working.
I DO NOT get pornographic pop-ups.
If you are getting pornographic pop-ups it is because you have been visiting pornographic websites.
The ad software analyzes your browsing history and sites visited and serves you up ads that “might be of interest” to you based on your history.

12 thoughts on “Reader says , “If you are getting pornographic pop-ups it is because you have been visiting pornographic websites”

  1. Not TRUE. I was told that if someone, say a child, puts in Google the word “breast,” say the child is wanting to find out about his mother’s breast cancer, he will get porno links. Those he may investigate, not knowing what they are. Many other words LEAD to porn. As I said, the best way to avoid the negative effects of internet, is to do what Bill Gates does with his school children: no internet. DUH. By the time a kid is a senior in high school he/she can pick up the internet then , very quickly. But gee whiz, guys, how did Einstein and company invent all our modern miracles without the Internet. How did Jonas Salk discover the vaccine that eliminated polio without the internet. . I bet the internet weakens or does eye damage too. Yes there are some advantages, but more negatives by far. Going to library to look something up in a book or Encyclopedia was far better way of learning. I would hazard a bet that you Remembered the material better too. Why. Because for one your body had to move. Muscle to brain connection. And you didn’t read a lot of other stuff afterward. Your brain wasn’t over whelmed. You opened the encyclopedia, wrote it down, and then went on to something else in life, and your brain remembered it. The internet leads to over consumption, buying crap you don’t need , depleting the environment. I mean , hey, your sittin on your fat ass, surfin, then you get bored and sluggish and then BUY stuff on Amazon etc. And then you open the crap packages. And then you get bored and then the cycle continues. Walkin to the library, openin the encyclopedia with your hands and arms. Readin letters that are comfortable for your eyes, writing down , walkin home, and then maybe playin a ball game or sompin. Now that is healthy livin. The internet livin is toxic.

  2. Any Three Amigo 3-way action on the site ?

  3. Also, and I mean this in a good way, a helpful way, not a mean way, notice the kid in the photo at his internet, well he is pudgy. Now in my day, kids that age were thin. More outdoor activity, even walkin to the library to look up in encyclopedia, as I have said a million times, or to check out a book on the subject. Maybe readin a chapter or two and writin it down for a report, you get the idear.

  4. That is totally false. Many people we know are getting pop-ups and they are never on those sites get your facts straight. False information.

  5. Why do young children in our schools have porn and suicide videos on their school issued laptops?

  6. Someone’s head should roll for this major screw up by the BOE’s IT department, but we know from past experience with similar boondoggles by municipal government entities (e.g., the theft of over 3/4 million dollars worth of parking utility revenue), that NO ONE WILL EVEN BE DISCIPLINED, let alone fired.

    This is a HUGE embarrassment for Ridgewood taxpayers and the Ridgewood Public School System. Property values are certain to take a hit from this.

    Voters should take note of the names of Board members who were on duty when this occurred (Ms. Brogan, Ms. Krauss, Mr. Morgan, and Ms. Smith-Wilson) and vote them out when their respective seats are up for grabs.

  7. “Reader says , “If you are getting pornographic pop-ups it is because you have been visiting pornographic websites”” Whoever says that must be an ignorant imbecile and you call yourself a computer person….I think IT people would I agree with me

  8. Parents are obviously watching porn on their kids computers most likely they are hitting dating sites as well

  9. Anonymous
    November 25, 2018
    “Reader says , “If you are getting pornographic pop-ups it is because you have been visiting pornographic websites”” Whoever says that must be an ignorant imbecile and you call yourself a computer person….I think IT people would I agree with me

    Your thinking is wrong…
    BTW, stop visiting those naughty sites.

  10. You just have to accidently click on a link or scroll onto a page in order to get the wrong content, so irritating.

  11. It is true. Even if you truly aren’t visiting porno websites, you definitely share your internet device or home wifi with someone who does. Sorry mom, but your husband or teenage son is, shall we say, somewhat curious.

  12. Nah. Reason why I was even exposed to any of that stuff was because it popped up as an ad and I was so young and got stupidly curious.

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