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Reader says I’m relatively certain that it’s not within the Mayor’s power to advocate for amending the Master Plan at this point


Reader says I’m relatively certain that it’s not within the Mayor’s power to advocate for amending the Master Plan at this point

I’m relatively certain that it’s not within the Mayor’s power to advocate for amending the Master Plan at this point. Nor is it within the power of his 2 running mates Mrs. Hauck and Mr. Pucciarelli – both of whom seem to have already made up their minds on the subject.

How about these 2 developers apply for variances just like anyone else that wants to build anything in this town. You want to be a little lenient with them, fine. Just keep it within the scope of the existing Master Plan. There’s your compromise.

Don’t allow 3 people who think they know better than the rest of us make such permanent changes to our town.

A little history lesson. We owe this master plan craziness to former Mayor Pfund and his desire to help out Valley bypass everyone in its over-expansion plan. Had he not pushed the change that allowed the hospital and developers to push for amendments, we would not be in this morass. I believe that if the master plan had not been changed to allow these cases, then Valley would have instead asked for exemptions on a building-by-building basis. They would have had something built by now. Smaller, yes. But one new building is better than nothing and looking like a fool in the process. Greed is getting the best of all of them.

And for this fine effort, Pfund was appointed our municipal judge for life.

 The problem as i understand the ordinance that exists is that we will be dealing with this over and over again even if we approve one or all of these proposals. That is the great fear…that if any of these projects is approved it will open the floodgates for other projects…all using what i will call the brother/sister argument (you let her/him do it so why can’t i?). And given that this has became such a legalized process, no one can assure that won’t sue to try to push through their proposals. I agree that something needs to be done but not with potentially open-ended litigation risk.

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12 thoughts on “Reader says I’m relatively certain that it’s not within the Mayor’s power to advocate for amending the Master Plan at this point

  1. Point of inquiry…….
    WHO over sees the appointment of a Village Municipal Judge and what limitations of time period is set ?

  2. why I hear the Deputy Mayor is all over this blog , very upset he is not getting his way , looking to bully people into submission , sorry there Al this “aint Hudson County “

  3. #2 I herd that an email is circulating the pro ports to show the Deputy Mayor making childish disparaging comments about this blog as well as Charlotte Samuels , I guess he and his sports buddies are all jealous because her accomplishment had nothing to do with them nor was it sanctioned by them btw does anyone no if the RBA got there tax issues straightened out ?

  4. i would happily engage deputy mayor in an open debate…my guess is he doesn’t want that…

  5. Never met a man I didn’t like — I’ve never met the Deputy Mayor, but from what I hear, I want to keep it that way.

  6. anyone have access to this email? how in the world could you disparage someone for such an accomplishment?

  7. News Searcher stop posting leading question. You know dam well who made the appointment of the Municipal Judge. Your BFF.

  8. Former Mayor David Pfund is the new Ridgewood Municipal judge
    September 26,2012
    the staff of the Ridgewood blog

    Ridgewood NJ, Its official Phund is the new Ridgewood Municipal judge. In a 3 to 2 vote the Village Council chose former Mayor David Pfund. He will be sworn in on Monday in Hackensack by a Superior Court Judge.

    Here are all of those who were considered:

    Warren Clark – now serving as judge in Hillsdale and Old Tappan and currently VOR temporary judge
    Richard Joel – no experience; sits on our Planning Board or Board of Adjustment
    David Pfund – no experience; former councilperson and mayor
    Russel Teschon – now serving as judge in Glen Rock and Wyckoff
    Stephen Wellinghorst – former councilperson; previous experience as judge in Woodland Park

  9. Please PJ try to get that e-maill and post it. Put this to rest one way or the other.

  10. Rev. Al HATES the blog. He reads it obsessively, makes snide comments about it regularly, and posts on it often using (from what I understand) an anonymous out of state proxy server. How about when he sent in a post saying “f— you #2,” or anyway that seemed like him.

  11. I want to hold your hand.

  12. 50 year resident and am very ashamed of this fellow and his co-horts. So many nice people in town, new and old, why does anyone bother to listen to this blow hard??

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