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Reader says , “I’m so sick of hearing I’m a Racist because I think differently”

Race Card Racists1

“I as a White American Man i’m so sick of hearing I’m a Racist because I think differently. I have issues with all races. Lower class White people who will beg,borrow and steal to get over on Anyone. Disgruntled Black people who think they are owed something because their Black. Lower class Hispanics who use their race to commit crimes. This is not something you normally see in Asian people. You can put all races that want to get along and who want to reach a goal of the American dream together and they will find they have more in common with each other than people would have you believe. Racism is one group of people no matter their skin color thinking they are better than someone else.
You really only hear this statement from Democrats. Let’s not forget it was the Democratic party that was the KKK, Jim Crow,George Wallace the Democratic party was started by White slave owners FACT. The south was really Racist and a lot of their teaching to their children was the Black people were low down sub human criminal people. I am a child of the sixties and that was what a lot of us were taught. It’s all in the ” ideological ” up bringing that you are taught. People have changed considerably since that time in history. I was brought up by Biblical parents who said everyone has red blood and everyone has feelings think about how you want to be treated before you act on impulses. There are very fine people of all races and there are very bad people. All people who think they are better than someone else or think they are owed something because of their skin color make me very angry. The Media and politicians are the driving forces that divide the American people and it’s Sickening. I live in the south and my neighborhood is getting more diverse every year and we all get along very well. I believe that there should be a law that the media and politicians that use race to divide our people should go to jail.”

26 thoughts on “Reader says , “I’m so sick of hearing I’m a Racist because I think differently”

  1. The series on Roger Ailes was pretty good….

  2. So true, it’s amazing if you voice your opinion you’re racist. What bullshit .

  3. Both you anons are racist.
    It’s pretty easy to figure out….
    1) foul language
    2) Roger Ailes
    3) opinions
    4) I said so
    5) I said so
    6) use of adjectives in your comments
    7) saying something is true when it ain’t
    8) I said so
    9) see above
    10) you guys are white, right?

  4. Asians are fine and apparently lower class people are a problem. Hispanics say “hey, I’m Hispanic so I’m going to commit crimes.” The writer is ignorant. UFB. Let’s send Trump to jail first, when your law is passed. You next.

  5. Current definition of a racist : anyone who wins an arguement with a left wing wacko

  6. Here fixed it fer ya…
    “I’m so sick of hearing I’m a Racist because I think differently normally”
    can also substitue “rationally” or “logically” or “with common sense”, etc….

  7. “Then it don’ matter. Then I’ll be all aroun’ in the dark. I’ll be ever’where — wherever you look. Wherever they’s a fight so hungry people can eat, I’ll be there. Wherever they’s a cop beatin’ up a guy, I’ll be there. If Casy knowed, why, I’ll be in the way guys yell when they’re mad an’ — I’ll be in the way kids laugh when they’re hungry an’ they know supper’s ready. An’ when our folks eat the stuff they raise an’ live in the houses they build — why, I’ll be there. See? God, I’m talkin’ like Casy. Comes of thinkin’ about him so much. Seems like I can see him sometimes.”

  8. Holy sh!t.

  9. Weird that you attack “lower class people” when you can’t even use proper grammar.

  10. This is disgusting. When your opinion includes writing things like “lower class Hispanics use their race to commit crimes” then you are a bigot and a racist.

  11. What’s that quote from?

    And since when is the use of adjectives racist?

  12. That quote is from me. And when your use of adjectives amounts to nothing more than showing you believe a specific race of people all share the same characteristics and are inferior to you that’s when using those adjectives is racism.

  13. Yea I am a racist, I love myself and my race, you got a problem with that?

  14. I have a problem with your hate. Shame on you sir. Shame on you for your bigotry and your myopic view of people. Your attitude is what is wrong with this country indeed the world.

  15. Only Whites can BE Racist…. Every one else can ACT Racist.
    The truth of our times.

  16. Uh no

  17. Anonymous said, I have a problem with your hate. Shame on you sir.

    Exactly where did I say I hated anyone in my statement: Yea I am a racist, I love myself and my race, you got a problem with that?

    YOU are the problem with this current society in America. You see hate in anything and everything, even when it doesn’t exist. You look to divide and cause bigotry.

  18. Hate speech is speech that attacks a person or a group on the basis of attributes such as race, ethnic origin or national origin. I see hate only where it’s expressed either outright or with your alleged dog whistle bullsh!t. Your words are what divides. You ARE a bigot and a racist. I weep for anyone you may have influence over.

  19. You see hate where hate does not exist. Do you love your wife and children? Does that mean you hate everyone else, of course not. But if we use your perverted logic you must hate everyone else because you love your family. I see you had to resort to using foul language in your response, that’s a clear sign of someone who is uneducated and can’t express themselves in a civil and proper manner. It also indicated someone with anger and control issues. Hopefully you don’t pass on your horrible traits to your children.

  20. What name would you put to the statements in the post?
    There are none so blind than those that will not see.
    Very sad.

  21. Studies show that foul language is actually a sign of high intelligence, an effective way of communicating and an indication of honesty and integrity. It allows people to express disgust, anger or pain without resorting to violence.

  22. Actually India is the most racist country on earth according to this survey

    And Gujaratis are amongst the most racist Indians.

  23. “Hate speech is speech that attacks a person or a group on the basis of attributes such as race, ethnic origin or national origin.”
    Not True…
    Hate Speech is any speech that I don’t agree with.
    Of course the reality is that there is no such thing as “hate speech” or “hate crimes”… there is just speech and crimes…. sometimes either will be motivated by hate, sometime not.

  24. Stuns me how most racists can’t even own up to their own racism. That’s how ignorant they are HA! CLEARLY the author is if he has to so staunchly, and ignorantly, defend himself and his opinions.

    “…think they are owed something because of their skin color make me very angry”

    People of color and others ARE owed many things, namely equality. I won’t go into why because you’re clearly a moron and it won’t get us anywhere…

    Enjoy hiding behind your white privilege…

  25. Have you what??

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