Jan Phillips, Chair of the Community Relations Advisory Board you should know better. You should be stripped of your title and removed from the Board immediately. How do you hold such a position and undermine a legal process that defended a public that was violated? The complaint was substantiated, evidence reviewed and they were found guilty. Instead You should work towards improving community relations without prejudice. Have you reached out to the public they violated? What about an open forum, at your next meeting, to hear true resident input?
Jan Phillips works for the courts so she should know even more than most of us how important due process is. Paul and Roberta were found GUILTY by an impartial board. That same board rejects many ethics violation complaints that come to them. The Aronsohn-Sonenfeld one had merit. How the hell dare she immune the NJ Local Finance Board and suggest that they did not use FACTS to make their decision? Jan Philips makes me sick.
So what will this Council do about it? Why are they allowing this group to continue?
Another scum bag liberal trying to force THEIR views and ideology on the rest of us. Council?
What are you going to do to stop this?