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Reader says Of course there are some legitimate reasons to stay anonymous


Reader says Of course there are some legitimate reasons to stay anonymous

Of course there are some legitimate reasons to stay anonymous as even some Valley employees are questioning this massive proposal. But when some folks get into cheap shots and personal attacks, I’m curious to see if they would ever have the courage to do it in person or at least attach a name to a post.

And I also agree they need to modernize and expand, but not the way it is laid out in this joke of a compromise. I just hope there are bodies in seats at the meetings, and not just the folks bused in from Valley.

Submitted on 2013/03/02 at 7:38 am

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Hey ASSHOLE, I can make my ip address number I want. You don’t scare me and I don’t give a crap what ip address you post ASSHOLE!

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3 thoughts on “Reader says Of course there are some legitimate reasons to stay anonymous

  1. this commenter needs to come out of the closest

  2. The “closest”?

  3. Ha ha you can’t catch me! I’m an Internet Tough Guy behind 7 proxies!

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