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Reader says , “Rallies be damned. Help improve the life of this one black man”

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photo by Boyd Loving

“Rallies be damned. Help improve the life of this one black man. This would make a serious meaningful impact, more than marching around and shouting. Catherine Brienza? Jeanne Thiesen ? Laurence Fine? Come on you talk the talk now walk the walk.”

11 thoughts on “Reader says , “Rallies be damned. Help improve the life of this one black man”

  1. It’s a sad statement that this blog and contributors go after a student. A minor. Yes, a strong voice in the community, and a strong voice for the future. SHAME ON YOU ALL, A MINOR!

    1. yes I agree the parents should be punished

  2. Kids (or as you would say “MINORS!”) need to learn accountability just like many adults. If you don’t listen to the police you get arrested. Period. I’ve been in Ridgewood for 25 years and my experience with the RPD is that they are reasonable and if they needed you to do something they always asked politely. They helped my family directly on one occasion that was above and beyond the call. If this punk got himself arrested I’m on the officers’ side.

  3. rubber hoses , great way to beat down a “minor”

  4. This “minor” excuse is a new tactic of the Left. Look at the new climate princess, Greta Thunberg. Argue against her and you are labeled a child abuser. Similar with Obama. Argue against him and you somehow become a racist. Argue against Hillary and you are clearly a misogynist. What’s next? Argue against Biden (which won’t even be possible) and you will be what, someone who bullies a senile old man?

  5. Don’t worry about Laurence Fine, he’s a strong voice in the community, and a strong voice for the future. He may grow up to be Larry Fine.

  6. nuck nuck

  7. “It’s a sad statement that this blog and contributors go after a student. A minor. ”

    Which student and minor are you referring to? (seriously, it’s not mentioned in the original post… or maybe it was and I just missed it)

  8. I’m really getting sick of seeing all this bullshit. Parents should be teaching their kids all lives matter. This is such bullshit

  9. Bruce, Laurence fine is a minor, a student at ridgewood high school

  10. Any age–child or presumed adult (22)– should know by now they they should respect authority, teachers, police, anyone who is temporarily responsible for them. Do you let your 2 year old run into the street “because he wants to”? Do you let him/her hit and bite others because “they want to?” So your 2 year old becomes a teen or older and it’s perfectly all right with you if they don’t obey the laws or accept the right of their teacher or the Police not to be called names or insulted? What’s wrong here?

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