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Reader says the chickens are coming home to roost on NJ Pensions and Healthcare !


Reader says the chickens are coming home to roost  on NJ Pensions and Healthcare !

Our state’s employee health benefit program is $47 billion in the red because GOVERNORS and the legislatures have stolen funds from the health care and pension funds each and every year since Gov. Whitman. We are talking Billions of dollars in lost contributions and Billions of dollars in lost earnings on investments.

Doesn’t mention that FACT since he benefited by the theft from the health benefits program and pension system since the Governors didn’t need to increase their income taxes to raise the money to fund their pet programs. It was a win/win for the Governors, just take the money from the government employees health care fund and pension fund and say your not raising income taxes during your terms in office.

Well now those chickens are coming home to roost !

we pay as bills are incurred. We haven’t reserved anything against the future cost of all of the public sector healthcare bills because it’s a PAYGO system where we pay-as-you-go. That’s like a family running a $47 billion credit card bill with nothing saved in the bank to pay for it. So it will come out of our future wages, i.e. state & local taxes every year, which is why politicians are bending over backwards trying to get the current system to pay for current & retired public employees at the expense of everyone else. Nice sleight of hand, too: you act like you just deserve Rolls-Royce healthcare, like its your right, without even questioning how much it’s cost hardworking New Jerseyans. Classic “Me first!” greed.

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4 thoughts on “Reader says the chickens are coming home to roost on NJ Pensions and Healthcare !

  1. It is nice to see an article about lying politicians where the blame is placed equally.

  2. and all the workers now are going to get it up the ass, real nice.

  3. how are thou “getting up the ass” #2 ? Please explain. You’re posting on the Ridgewood Blog… real nice.

  4. Finally, I’m getting some of my tax dollars back from the corrupt unions and pension scams that have been going on for years….more power to Christie ….
    The union slobs have been at the trough too long
    And now the pension system is going to default….
    Not my problem…. The tax payers of nj are tapped out…. Go find somebody else pocket to pick

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