I’m not in any camp and remained undecided until hearing two candidates speak at coffee. Harwin was pleasant but lacked substance. No grasp on issues, memorized talking points and knows a great deal about herself. Mrs. Harwin did not answer questions. She was accompanied by Paul Aronsohn and Gwenn Hauck. Another coffee was for Knudsen and Sedon and only Knudsen attended. The mayor was gracious and well informed on many issues. She is a wealth of knowledge and discussed issues I was unaware of. Questions were asked and answered without hesitation. Knudsen spoke well of Sedon. Not a fan of Willett. She and Harwin have dirtied themselves by mudslinging and I’m not impressed. The mayor is a class act. I voted Knudsen and Albano in 2014 and will be voting Knudsen and Sedon this time
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Village of Ridgewood Mayor Susan Knudsen
“knows a great deal about herself”–good one!
I am fairly well educated and successful. I reflect back on my accomplishment and look forward to future goals. I am confused by what we vote for
I know little about the candiatates to date I do believe that the mayor is a class act and nice and so forth, but she and Sedon are not effective at all.
I can’t water my lawn, drive down the street without hitting a pothole, drive with seeing cars speeding, expenses are out of control, union and school costs are exploding. Parking at the train station is a mess, residents can’t park after 645 and just try to get home when the evening trains come in. Take an issue and solve it please
I am a 25 year resident and see the village failing at many levels. We don’t need nice class acts. We need leaders and folks to address issues and have a impact. If we are voting for nice folks I guess this makes sense. Show me a list of accomplishments show me what you goals are for the village. Show me a future Stop blaming the past
unfortunately the past does not just go away , actions have consequences, and the election of the 3 amigos doomed the Village to years of fixing their mess , you only have your selves to blame
Harwin “…was accompanied by Paul Aronsohn and Gwenn Hauck”.
People can be judged by the company they keep! Vote Knudsen and Sedon! (side note: Harwin is an unqualified newbie)
Yet Harwin mounts a campaign that threatens the sitting mayor. What does that tell us?
What are the tangible accomplishments over the last two years. Simple question first i haven’t heard answered
You need answers, go to http://www.voteridgewood.com
Knudsen and Sedon have been working their asses off for this town, cleaning up the mess Paul Aronsohn & Co. made.
Beware the smoke and mirrors of Harwin/Willett-look who is behind the curtain pulling the strings.
Never vote for an unknown just because you’re dissatisfied with the known. Due diligence is imperative to inform your vote. If you look into the two challengers and think they can do a better job, fine. What in their background and demeanor would illustrate that, though?
Ha Ha Ha James, your such an asshole, haven’t you figured out you can’t block me yet?
Never vote for an unknown just because you’re dissatisfied with the known.
Never vote for an unknown just because you’re dissatisfied with the known…
There are clearly some people here that need to put forth a little effort. You cant avoid the responsibility of being informed and then complain. I attended a coffee for Harwin and one for Knudsen and Sedon. the difference is staggering. While the Knudsen/Sedon website offers a wealth of information, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor gave us all an amazing amount of information beyond that about what they are doing to address some of these complaints. For all you know, the road you’re complaining about is a county road, out of our jurisdiction to repair, and the commuter parking issue is being dealt with in a way that will serve us while saving us a lot of money.
May I suggest that a couple of you complainers drag your asses to a coffee and ask a few questions before you reach your conclusions. Knudsen and Sedon answered every single one. Harwin couldn’t get away from me fast enough. Perhaps because I had to correct her a few times. And Willett? Can’t even find a Willett coffee. Are they only for certain people?