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Reader says The REA just wants more money taken from the students and extracurricular’s to pay for their average annual above inflation (and above 2% property tax cap) wage increases and “platinum” health plan benefits

REA Members come out to greet our Board of Ed


The REA just wants more money taken from the students and extracurricular’s to pay for their average annual above inflation (and above 2% property tax cap) wage increases and “platinum” health plan benefits covering 96% of all medical benefits with $10 co-pays. Why are Ridgewood residents paying above average property taxes in Bergen County for schools to only cut spending on students to pay even more for teachers who already earn the highest average salaries in Bergen? Does this make any sense? Won’t our property values decline if our schools keep declining like they have?

4 thoughts on “Reader says The REA just wants more money taken from the students and extracurricular’s to pay for their average annual above inflation (and above 2% property tax cap) wage increases and “platinum” health plan benefits

  1. Teachers and there unions believe they are entitled and the hell with every one else.

  2. We have a cap for a reason.

    I do not want programs cut. To pay for cadillac benefits. I pay high property taxes, more than enough for the staff. Put BOE funds into programming.

  3. The malcontents need to move on. I want someone who is happy to be a teacher, grateful for the above average pay and working conditions in Ridgewood. Let’s get new blood in the system. BOE stay strong. We don’t want programs cut to pay some of the already highest paid teachers in the County even more, especially when ratings are slipping. I do see angry, smug faces in those photos… those attitudes will carry over into the classroom.

  4. You must have superior eyesight to make out faces, let alone angry smug ones at that, in the photo.

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