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Reader says The Village Council should not miss a single opportunity to put a firm grip on the spending patterns and priorities of the legacy Village Manager.


The Village Council should not miss a single opportunity to put a firm grip on the comings, the goings, and most importantly, the OPM spending patterns and priorities of the legacy Village Manager. Along these lines, the VC should probably press the pause button, indefinitely, on the contemplated renovation project in Van Neste Square. The next thing we will learn is that a half million dollars has already been spent on landscape architecture plans that will go to waste if the project doesn’t go forward immediately.

3 thoughts on “Reader says The Village Council should not miss a single opportunity to put a firm grip on the spending patterns and priorities of the legacy Village Manager.

  1. Better yet, just fire her. Now.

  2. Don’t fire her. Let her stay. Catch her for corruption, instead of firing her.

  3. NO, get rid of her now. All corruption will be revealed and she will be taken out in handcuffs at that time.

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