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Reader says , “Time to Clean House at the BOE”

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Watched the public comments on TV. It was a love fest for Loncto. Ok. So the guy served 7 years. He deserves some praise. But oh man, the level of drama about his being VOTED OUT OF OFFICE was sickening. And when you consider the people who were waxing nostalgic about him, well, enough said. SO glad Cris Kaufmann is in office as of January 1. And in the next go round we will have two more new faces. Time to CLEAN HOUSE folks.

6 thoughts on “Reader says , “Time to Clean House at the BOE”

  1. BOE are the biggest bunch of sore losers ever.

  2. Yes the BOE are sore losers. A nasty group and vindictive. And the lineup of losers crying about Loncto last night made me sick.

  3. not just In the Board of Education.

  4. They are all full of shit. What a big waste of money.

  5. That’s because they (think they) sre smarter than us.

  6. Mr.Kaufman’s inauguration at the January 7 meeting.

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