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Reader sums up Ridgewood Village Manager’s situation : “She has to go “


I think Ms. Sonenfield mistakenly and foolishly assumed that her Party’s machine was too strong to be challenged, let alone be defeated, by a bunch of mere ordinary residents. When you are so neck deep in machine politics, you sometime do end up making such delusional assumptions.

Whatever her abilities, there should be NO place for a village employee who so openly and blatantly aligns herself with one set of political leaders.

There is NO way her name could have been so openly and repeatedly used in their campaign absent her approval.

She made her bed, now it is time to lay down in it. She has to go.

24 thoughts on “Reader sums up Ridgewood Village Manager’s situation : “She has to go “

  1. She went above and beyond in her support of the developers.

    Her team lost. How can she be trusted to do a good job for the new council and the residents?

  2. I couldn’t have said it better. It doesn’t matter at this point whether she possesses all the needed skills to perform her role, she is now the proverbial square peg in a round hole. The fundamental relationship between the Counil and VM is one of trust.

    She needs to go ASAP.

  3. She probably should have been fired for what she’s doing in the picture. It was just bizarre for a Village Manager to interfere with tax payers getting a petition signed. It was also completely inappropriate for Mr. Saraceno to be a part of her efforts as well. Equally bizarre was the losing ticket’s campaigning for her to keep her job as part of their platform. Given the margin by which the developer-funded candidates were defeated, it’s safe to assume that the electorate rejected the notion of Mrs. Sonenfeld’s continuing in her VM role.

  4. Rutishauser and Spano need to go, and questions still need to be asked about who knew what in supervising Tommy Boy Rica and his $850,000 in quarters went missing from a locked room that Rica shouldn’t have had access to…. How did he get the key? Why didn’t anyone notice the huge bags of quarters he was driving off with daily? Is the Village getting restitution or not?

  5. Did she ever revel who dumped all the concrete at the Lakeview leaf site?How much did it coat the taxpayers to remove it. Was there a fine from the dep?

  6. It was also horribly inappropriate for her to be waving that full page ad all around village hall, the one supporting her by five families. Pitiful in many ways, but also completely unprofessional. Boy, the employees who were subjected to this had to swallow dirt and smile,

  7. Yes spano should be the first to go, mr, frank moritz can not save him any more. The village managers have been saving mr, spano’s job for a long time. We feel the top had to know something about tommy boy , He did not talk ,and for that no jail time. I GET IT. TIME FOR A SWEEP AT THE TOP.

  8. there are plenty of people with the requisite skills to be village manager. She has to be replaced.

  9. There’s a common advancement strategy used in all employment environments, but most notably in the political one. You get behind someone who you think will elevate your career (or protect the one you have). It’s a reciprocal arrangement of mutual back-scratching. When it works, it can work great. However, if you ever find that it fails, as in your boss gets fired or somehow loses his/her power, you end up realizing that you backed the wrong horse and the game’s up. I have no doubt that ever one of us has seen this first-hand in our employment lives.

  10. If she was the main issue for the election, and if the margin was 2:1, doesn’t she have any shame?
    She should have resigned already. Is someone paying her something to complete some tasks even if she has to face humiliation?

  11. She’s a bully, with overly opinionated POV. That’s not what you want from a Village Mgr!

  12. At this point her expertise, competence, or lack thereof (working at banks decades ago hardly prepares one fully for running a town) has become irrelevant to whether she is retained as the town’s business manager. Her ties to the outgoing council and their “friends” make it impossible for her to remain in a position of high responsibility–one which, egged on by the outgoing mayor, she exceeded unacceptably. Her assistant has similar ties and should be removed as well. CLEAN SLATE ALL AROUND, PLEASE.

  13. 8:42 AM, she was just preparing them for their broad grins and high-fives at her farewell party, which if there is any justice will consist of handing her a box to put her things in and pointing to the door.

  14. Add to that the Assistant to the Village Manager who’s husband work for the planning board attorney.

  15. some one had to see something, how just how can u do it. eyes in the sky. wow if it’s true wow.

  16. Oh yeh lets get rid of Roberta and hire Gabbert or someone like him. This is just what Ridgewood needs…..a person who is so full of himself that he thinks he is smarter then everyone else, including the collective intellect of the Council and someone who is so arrogant they insist on being addressed as “Dr. Gabbert”. The guy received his Ph’d from some sham online university. My dog could get a Ph’d from there !!
    I think history will ultimately show that Roberta did a far better job than the prior two or possibly even three Village Managers.

    1. Ed drinking early I see lol

  17. maybe the mayor can be the new manager, give it a try. what about heather she did a good job, she’s smart, but maybe to much bull shit.


  19. Here we go again 4:32 is playing the Gabbert Card. Queen Bee is better then Gabbert so thats the best we can do. Great logic. I bet you what JT back so you can buy him some drink and get your raise.

    1. “stuck on stupid”, sorry Roberta is a disaster

  20. 4:32, I doubt your dog could get a PhD from Arizona State University. It is not a sham university. Have you ever taken an online course? Didn’t think so. They are very difficult, much harder than sitting in class and having the professor explain everything to you. Gabbert was very well versed in village government, unlike the current VM who keeps hiring people to do her job for her. He was actually qualified, very well qualified. So he took a big raise, do you want to tell me you would refuse a raise?

  21. 5:43 If Gabbert was so good why did he effectively get fired by the next two towns he went to after Ridgewood ? The guy is a disaster. As I recall the last town which “invited him to leave” was West Milford a small little town in Northwestern NJ.

  22. Het what about mr spano being the new manager, Hey you never know. It is the village u know.

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