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>Reader takes issue with ,"center of the community" comment

>Actually, I have never considered Graydon to be the “center of our community.” My kids liked it for awhile, until it became uncool, and my wife and I seemed to gravitate to backyards of friends or our own small plot more often than not to relax on Saturday afternoon or Sunday. I think it’s nice, and it would be a real plus if we could have a decent place to swim if we so choose. But, let’s face it, a relative minority of residents could actually consider themselves to be heavy users.

The place where I really felt a sense of community was on that evening in early December when the Village tree was lit and the holiday season began.

Not to pick a scab here, but Arohnson and his comrades on the VC certainly f–ed up that tradition of community. As a result, I don’t trust his perceptions on many subjects.


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