“Just a few months ago residents complained about the shady activity at Schedler. Knudsen’s response to Friends of Schedler Facebook page below (In hindsight, not so true).
Just a few months ago residents complained about the shady activity at Schedler. Knudsen’s response to Friends of Schedler Facebook page below (In hindsight, not so true).
“Posting as Deputy Mayor Knudsen: Last year we worked to find FREE clean fill to create a berm along route 17 to create a visual barrier from the highway. …A site visit was conducted yesterday – with Susan Knudsen, Mike Sedon, Chris R, and Jovan M. The only trees removed were those in the area of the planned berm and only those necessary to make space for the clean soil.
This is really an exciting opportunity to significantly improve the quality of life for area residents by shielding the WSRR corridor from the detriments of Route 17.”
She should have stated the only trees being removed AT THIS TIME and space for soil is the entire parcel.”
maybe somebody can donate a flagpole to place on top of the pile…
Bald Eagles and Rare Hawks, both protected under Federal and State law “WERE” foraging there. The Village did nothing to protect or preserve them, other protected vegetation, wildlife and American History of THE PARCEL (Susan Knudsen don’t deflect and mislead by starting up with “we preserved the house.”). They also violated the Federal Migratory Act by removing trees and disrupting habitats during crucial breeding season. They Village was aware of this crucial information and intentionally proceeded with complete disregard of the law and life. The Village should be reported.
“The only trees removed were those in the area of the planned berm and only those necessary to make space for the clean soil.” ODD because tonight’s VC meeting agenda lists (7). Award Contract – Selective Clearing for Berm Construction at Schedler Property. Now we have to pay to clear what exactly?
Who cares that we have to pay. Who else was going to do the work. The village don’t have the people to do this kind of work.