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>Readers ask Ridgewood Residents for Valley in Friday’s Ridgewood News Ad why hide you affiliation with Valley ?

>Readers ask Ridgewood Residents for Valley in Friday’s Ridgewood News Ad why hide you affiliation with Valley ? 

Ridgewood NJ- A full page ad running in the Ridgewood News, placed by the group Ridgewood Residents for Valley is outrageous and disingenuous. Don’t be fooled Ridgewood. The vast majority of these people have a financial interest in Valley. They are Valley employees, vista members, workers, etc. Go through the names and let’s start outing them on this blog!

There is a  financial interest for  Dr Wesson or any employee of Valley supporting this cause. Wesson isn’t making his living peddling 100% vegetable oil you know! Medical insurance, referrals, patients, hospital. Obviously Valley employees have an interest in this cause.

The Ridgewood News Ad is comprised of people who represent themselves as Ridgewood residents with no to allegiance to any party in this issue. By not disclosing their employer as Valley, hiding their full names or omitting “Dr.” from their name, they attempt to suggest no Valley affiliation. Simply not true.

Anne Raftery Denyeau. Vice President, Human Resources, Valley Health System

Mr. & Mrs. J. Brennan Mrs. Brennan longtime employee Valley Hospital

Tom & Heidi Ahlborn Dr. Ahlborn I presume? Yes! Tom & Heidi are also Valley Vista members.


Andrea Aluisi. RN, Valley Hospital

DR’s Baddoura (plural)

BARCLAY – let’s not go there again. When you get to the letter “D” remember Detrick is Barclay, too.

Dr. Becker of Valley? Yes it is!

Mr. Bolger, is that you?

E,f ,g h, I , j. Bored with all these Valley Dolls let me skip towards the end of the alphabet maybe something different.

Michael & Michele Wesson yes that would be Dr. Michael Wesson employed by Valley Hospital (Valley Radiation Oncology) and his wife who also has Valley connections.

Oh well. Anyone care to help fill in the blanks please do.These people should really fully identify themselves and their connection to Valley before engaging in this deception.

Remember to donate to the cause

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