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Readers begin to Handicap the BOE Candidates

>Readers begin to Handicap the BOE Candidates 

I notice that none of the four candidates specifically addressed anything about academics in the article. We have serious concerns about the math curriculum, yet I don’t know where the two new candidates stand on the issue. Also, no one said anything about tenure or teacher compensation and benefits.

Here are my concerns about the four:

Goodman and Brogan, the incumbents, have presided over the implementation of a sub-optimal math curriculum and the $48 million bond referendum that gave us turf fields and lights that we didn’t need, but raised my taxes by over $300 per year.

Krauss looks like an anti-Valley NIMBY, based on the cryptic inclusion of anti-Valley buzz phrases at the end of her section of the article. I know nothing about her views on educational curriculum or where she stands on the critical issues related to the district’s finances, such as teacher compensation.

Clark look like he is focusing on the field lights issue, on which I agree with him. However, the fact that his wife is a disctrict employee concerns me, because he may need to recuse himself from union negotiations. Also, he may not be as aggressive a cost cutter as we need. Finally, I have no idea where he stands on budget and curriculum issues, which are what really matter in this election.

In summary, we need more details from all of the candidates, espeically about the topics that really matter: curriculum (especially math) and the budget, (ecpecially teacher compensation and benefits). It would also help to know more about their educational backgrounds.

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