Readers debate why Village Employees on the Tiger Team ?
No one from the employees? how come there are different term lengths?
The finance committee does not need village employees. These people were selected on their qualifications and seem to have a lot of experience. Just what we need.
This will just be another group, saying the employees make too much and we have to cut wages and benefits, nothing will be said about long term debt , buying up property that could be put back on the tax roles, and and bringing in multiple housing units instead of rateable s, to an already crowded school system.
They will be meeting in secret. One guy is a Goldman sacks exec. They really love unions!
The reinvention of Ridgewood continues…
The members were selected for their financial and public sector management experience. Why do they need Village employees on the committee? Maybe resident employees should have filled out the application.
The members were selected for their financial and public sector management experience AND the continue support for Mayor Paul Aronsohn ( Carpetbagger) Deputy Mayor Al Pucciaerll ( Big Al the Developer Friend)
What would the employee bring to the table?
The ability to identify areas of cost savings that get overlooked by mid and upper level management.