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Remembering 9/11 With Good Works and Good Deeds


nine eleven
Remembering 9/11 With Good Works and Good Deeds 

Join the 9/11 Day Observance today. Visit and share your message or good deed tribute. Or share your message on Twitter, #911day.

Our mission is to honor the victims and survivors of 9/11 and those that rose to service in response to the attacks by encouraging all Americans and others throughout the world to pledge to voluntarily perform at least one good deed, or another service activity on 9/11 each year.

9/11 Day is the grassroots movement to observe September 11 every year as a day of charitable service and doing good deeds, and to inspire individuals to continue to help others in need whenever they can. Today more than 35 million Americans and others participate annually by taking time out on 9/11 to help others in need, in their own way! We created this observance soon after 9/11 to provide a positive way to forever remember and pay tribute to the 9/11 victims, honor those that rose in service in response to the attacks, and remind people of the importance of working more closely together to improve our world. In 2009 the U.S. Congress and President Obama joined together to officially establish 9/11 as a National Day of Service and Remembrance under bi-partisan federal law.

Participating in 9/11 Day is easy. Simply dedicate time each September 11 to helping others in any fashion that you choose, like making a donation, performing a good deed, helping a friend, relative or neighbor, or volunteering your time. All we ask is that you remember by doing something positive that helps others. Be sure to share your plans or message on Twitter, using #911day, on Facebook, or by visiting our website,

A few suggestions on how to help from the Ridgewood News :

Give blood. Donate books to a library or volunteer to read to children. Donate pet food to an animal rescue or shelter or volunteer to foster an animal. Donate food to a food pantry. Give clothes to a homeless shelter.

Companies, groups, municipalities and schools can also band together for special projects such as sponsoring a collection, volunteering time to help nonprofits in the area or just sprucing up public places.

For example, the Rotary Club of Ridgewood A.M. is collecting new and used shoes for donation to the Soles4Souls charity. The non-profit group monetizes used shoes and clothing to create sustainable jobs and fund direct relief efforts, including distribution of new shoes and clothing.

Drop off locations for the shoe drive include all Ridgewood public schools and the Education Center, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Chestnut Deli, Columbia Bank, Emmanuel Baptist Church, Morgan Stanley, Old Paramus Reformed Church, Ponds Reformed Church, Ridgewood Christian Reformed Church, Ridgewood Community Church, St. Elizabeth’s Church, Temple Emmanuel, Ulrich, the Unitarian Society of Ridgewood, Upper Ridgewood Community Church, Village Hall, West Side Presbyterian Church.

For additional information about the shoe drive, contact Betty Wiest at 201-652-0858.

– See more at:

One thought on “Remembering 9/11 With Good Works and Good Deeds

  1. Wonderful. Thanks.

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