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Rep. Scott Garrett Gets Recognized as A Champion for Taxpayers and Small business

Scott Garrett Bergen County
October 30,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Every time any of us look at our paycheck, we are painfully reminded that taxes are too high.
Since taking control two years ago, Bergen County Democrats have RAISED COUNTY TAXES (not even including school and municipal) by a STAGGERING THIRTY FOUR MILLION DOLLARS — that’s more than FIVE TIMES THE INFLATION RATE!

While , CD5 Rep, Scott Garrett received both Club for Growth’s Defender of Economic Freedom award , the National Federation of Independent Business’s Guardian of Small Business Award and the National Taxpayers Union’s Taxpayers’ Friend award.

Garrett said , “I am proud to have received the Club for Growth’s Defender of Economic Freedom award, the National Federation of Independent Business’s Guardian of Small Business Award, and just this week, the National Taxpayers Union’s Taxpayers’ Friend award. These awards are given to Members of Congress that support policies to fix our broken tax code and revive our country’s economy. They also serve as a reminder that the fruits of your labor belong to you, not politicians or faceless bureaucrats that seek to reward special interests.”

Garrett continued , “Taxes should be designed to meet the legitimate needs of government and no more. That starts with fixing the broken tax code to make it should be simpler, fairer, and lower so that it is not only easy to do your taxes, but at critical moments in life – such as starting a family or buying a home – you have greater peace of mind. The tax code should encourage free enterprise so that wages can rise, jobs can be created, and opportunity for all Americans can be expanded. Simply put, the tax code should promote a vibrant American economy where all families can thrive.

Garrett concluded , “New Jerseyans are frustrated by bureaucrats who continuously waste tax dollars. You should not be forced to compete with powerful special interests over the money you earned. You deserve a tax system that puts the taxpayer first. That’s why I am fighting to keep more of your money in your own pocket instead of sending it to Washington to be wasted by bureaucrats.”

One thought on “Rep. Scott Garrett Gets Recognized as A Champion for Taxpayers and Small business

  1. I do not know Scott Garrett but I will vote for him simply because of Gottheimer who keeps bombarding me via mail with nasty leaflets about Garrett to the point of feeling disgusted. I can’t vote for someone who goes to such extreme trying to deride his opponent.

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