the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, URGENT: The staff of The Ridgewood Blog has received a report of a Ridgewood Water residential customer who recently received a separate bill for “significant sewer discharge.”
By established Village of Ridgewood ordinance, fees for “significant sewer discharge” are limited to commercial, industrial, or non-profit/tax exempt institutional properties. Residential properties are NOT subject to fees for “significant sewer discharge.”
If you are a residential customer of Ridgewood Water and recently received a separate bill for “significant sewer discharge,” please notify Village Manager Heather Mailander immediately. 201-670-5500, extension 202, or hmailander@ridgewoodnj.net.
The Ridgewood Blog also requests that you post a comment below if you are a residential Ridgewood Water customer, and did recently receive such a bill.
I am that ridgewood customer that received the sewer discharge bill. I have been in contact with th village manager and engineer. They have been very helpful and have assured me that they will be looking into my problem.
Gotta pay for that garage somehow!
Been hitting the tacos a little too much?
Power Poo. .
Just send the bill to the neighboring towns to pay.. isn’t that how Ridgewood water does it? Oh wait, the courts already stopped this..