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Residents Show Strong Opposition to Electronic Billboard in Ridgewood

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photo courtesy of Anne Loving
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, at the April 23, 2024 Ridgewood Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting,in the matter of the Outfront Media LLC application to place an electronic billboard at 500 Route 17 South, there was a packed courtroom.  Thirty-three people spoke in strong opposition to the application, citing myriad reasons why this should not be allowed.  People who had spoken previously were not permitted a second opportunity to speak.  No one spoke in favor of the proposed billboard.

At the April 30, 2024 meeting, the Board will decide upon a date when the final statements can be heard and the vote can take place.  There will be no discussion at the April 30 meeting other than to decide on a date.
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22 thoughts on “Residents Show Strong Opposition to Electronic Billboard in Ridgewood


  2. Hoping this application is denied.

  3. Great sign!!

  4. So when is the vote.

  5. Doesn’t matter what residents want. Our mayor, council and vm will do as they want

    1. nonsense opinion. ZBA is not controlled by the VC

    2. That is 100% True, the residents of Ridgewood have no say at all, it’s all about the back door deals that are going on..

    3. Sad but true. But let’s really hope not!!!

      1. This is probably the definition of mental illness. “I acknowledge this thing is true but I’m going to be hopeful and act as if it is not.”

  6. Who is Bill Board…is he with the RBSA…?

  7. Last night, sadly felt like the zoning board was just checking off the “public comments” box, but truly didn’t care what was said. It seemed like their minds were already made up.

  8. Who is Bill Board?? idiot

  9. No one wants this ugly useless structure in Ridgewood except probably Mayor Paul Vagianos or Gail Price. Each for their individual self serving interests which are of course, MONEY. The sad reality of our fair village is that we have lots of bad actors who want to take away what makes Ridgewood great. If Zoning votes this in, then they are just a bunch of sell outs who don’t really care about Ridgewood. It will be very obvious once the votes are tallied.

  10. Don’t you residents have anything better to do ? my heavens

    1. if you want to live in a sh$thole there is a lot cheaper places to live than Ridgewood

  11. Imagine protesting deforestation with paperwork. Now imagine protesting an ugly, garish sign with an ugly, garish sign.

    1. You are a moron. The sign made a very clear visual point that the billboard would be bright and garish. It was perfect

      1. No, it just makes them look goofy with their BILL BOARD made out of aluminum foil and gum drops. Also, if you want to be taken seriously, and since you agree that appearances matter, take off that stupid muzzle and show up to the adult party not dressed like schlubs. Now by extension, all the BILL BOARD haters can be regarded as clowns. Good job! Now back on the short bus.

        1. You need to calm down

          1. I’m sorry. I’m just really excited to take out the first ad on the new billboard.

        2. They’re just dressed in casual clothing, relax. Agreed, the mask has to go, but people must make their politics known, and it’s often not helpful.

  12. Don’t sell us out, council and board. Please. You have no mandate to destroy our town.

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