the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Restaurants! We want your restaurant’s favorite recipe for the culinary arts section of Ridgewood Art Council’s exciting new installation:
“Ridgewood Art at Village Hall”
More than 70 wonderful paintings, photographs and pieces of sculpture have already been generously donated by Ridgewood artists in support of this effort. The Ridgewood Arts Council (RAC) additionally wants to insure that the Culinary Arts, which are so important to our community, are represented in the Ridgewood Art at Village Hall collection as well.
So…we are asking all Ridgewood eateries to provide a framed recipe of one of your signature dishes. We ask that the recipe (and photo of dish if you wish) fit on a single 8×10 page, and be submitted in a frame ready to hang. The choice of paper, font and type of frame is at your discretion. Be sure to include restaurant name, name of chef or proprietor, and name of dish as well.
Please acknowledge your participation by emailing and we will advise of drop information by return email. Or call 917-734-0756 with any questions. We will accept framed recipes until December 15, 2015.
To honor this wonderful celebration of the arts in Ridgewood, our entire community will be invited to a ribbon-cutting gala for the Ridgewood Arts Council, featuring the Ridgewood Art at Village Hall installation, in January 2016. We will hope to see you there!