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Ridgewood Board of Education Members Can Now Phone it in for Public Meetings

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, lost in the hubbub surrounding the BOE decision to implement late-start for the High School in September is another item that was voted into policy on February 13, 2023.

By a vote of 3 – 2,  the resolution 0155.1 BOARD MEMBER PARTICIPATION AT PUBLIC BOARD MEETINGS USING ELECTRONIC DEVICE was officially put into place.  Board President Mike Lembo, and trustees Shela Brogan and Mohammed Mahmoud voted in favor; Board Vice President Hyun Ju Kwak and trustee Saurabh Dani voted against.


Because of this new policy, as many as two trustees at a time can participate remotely in public meetings, “dialing it in” from work, home, vacation, or a sick bed.  Remote trustees will not be in the room to receive any paper documents.  Shaky internet connections and sporadic microphone problems will result in the absentee elected officials missing some of what is discussed.  No one will know who a trustee might be with, just off screen, and what might be transpiring just out of view of the zoom camera.

Allowing members of the public to call in remotely is one thing.  Members of the public, however, and not elected officials who set policy, discuss problems, and establish procedures.  This may open the Board up to any number of unforseen problems, including possible ethics violations.

Let’s see how this plays out in future meetings.  Who among the five elected trustees will be choosing to stay home instead of showing up for public meetings?

15 thoughts on “Ridgewood Board of Education Members Can Now Phone it in for Public Meetings

  1. Time to get into the 21st century.

  2. Someone trying to avoid the public when nasty business about their own behavior is a scheduled agenda item.

  3. Trying to hide is a closet when something dirty about them is slated for discussion. Chicken.

  4. I have heard that this was done because Sheila is trying to get a friend to run this November, who can’t attend meetings every time in person.

  5. Don’t underestimate Scarf Lady, she can outwit most of us.

  6. Sheila does not want to be there when her ethics violation is read aloud. Which by the way when will that be. A year already

  7. Glad Kwak and Dani take their responsibility seriously. The other three, not so much.

  8. Reduction in transparency. Horrible idea. Who thought of this? Of yeah, Sheila did

  9. All the Sheila bashers on here have no idea how hard and dedicated she is . Some of you are clueless and ignorant.

  10. All the Sheila bashers know that she has an ethics violation, she toots her own horn endlessly, and she needs to go.

  11. As usual, technology has leaped ahead of our ability to use it properly. Unacceptable.

  12. Everyone has an alleged ethics violation look it up.

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