the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood BOE member Mike Lembo said in a Facebook post ,”The Ridgewood School Board has called for a Special Meeting this coming Thursday July 23rd at 5pm. The topic will be the school reopening plan for the district. We know that parents, teachers, and students have many concerns, questions, and comments on the issue. Please let your voice be heard, as we called this meeting for all of you.
The meeting is going to be held remotely, you can find the BOE Webcast link to the meeting on our website homepage. Members of the public can call in comments during the public comment period of the meeting or write-in comments online prior to, and during, the Board Meeting. These comments will be heard, but any offensive, lewd, or obscene language will not be tolerated. There will be two public comment portions, one at the beginning of the meeting and one at the end. Do not forget to mute your broadcast when speaking to minimize sound feedback and do not forget to identify yourself before speaking!This is a special meeting concerning the school reopening plan only, the regular Board of Education meeting will be held on Monday July 27th. Comments, questions, and concerns related to other issues besides the reopening will be more appropriate then.”
Get ready for homeschooling.
The conditions the NJEA are on the verge of forcing the state to impose on life in the public schools are so draconian as to cause normal parents to recoil in horror. This is intentional. The NJEA has been working overtime to make sure the state offers all parents the option of keeping their children at home indefinitely from the start of the school year based on generalized COVID-19 fears and anxiety. The one-two punch routine is completed by the NJEA pushing school re-opening guidelines that are so drastic as to cause parents to conclude that the schools will end up becoming glorified detention centers or penitentiaries. The NJEA figures most parents love their children too much to force them to endure the degrading and dehumanizing treatment the public schools are certain to have in store for them.