![Ridgewood Council majority has used the same tactics that the current slate of pro development candidates and their new team of apologists 3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ](https://theridgewoodblog.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/DSCF3238.jpg)
file photo by Boyd Loving (the 3 amigos)
Reader says “The current Council majority has used the same tactics that the current slate of pro development candidates and their new team of apologists are using now. They’re quick on the attack but then whine when people use such uncivil tactics as facts and logic to retort. I think it’s safe to call out Ron Simoncini by name at this point – he’s the classic bully/victim. He drapes himself in “The Truth” but bristles when people point out that he’s the PR guy for one of the developers and has a huge personal financial stake in the outcome of this election. Sorry Ron, but “The Truth” cuts both ways. And anyone who’s taken Marketing 101 knows that when the PR guy becomes part of the story, he’s failed as a PR guy.”
Boycot GREEK TO ME AND Fish.
Hopefully one of the last pictures of the three stooges together.
Hopefully there will be one more shot of them on July 1st when they are GOING GOING GONE. Cannot wait!
James, how about running the same photo on July 2 with a big upper-left-to-lower-right slash through it and a smiley-face?
Boycot GREEK TO ME ,FISH,:PARK WEST and ROOTS. Thats why this garage is being built.
Boycott fish Greek to me park west and roots. For sure. And guess what, once the schools get on board, and hopefully someone from each school will catch on SOON, that boycott will HURT.
Screw these special interest builders and their thug wannabes.