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Ridgewood Council Silences the Voices of Historians

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ , as expected the Village council moved to appoint a new village historian, a topic that was triggered by a letter from current historians Peggy Norris and Joe Suplicki to Katherine Marcopul of the State Historic Preservation Office opposing the ridiculous plan to put a turf field on Route 17 , clear cutting trees and on a historic property ,destroying a neighborhood .

In a comment to North Jersey Media  Peggy Norris and Joe Suplicki, who have held that title for “over 20 years,” contend they are being retired “to silence the voices of historians.” They wrote a letter last week outlining their objections to the newest proposal for the 7-acre nationally land marked property to the State Historic Preservation Office, which will eventually have approval power over the plan.

Clearly this council is looking to appoint more yes men and grifters .
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37 thoughts on “Ridgewood Council Silences the Voices of Historians

  1. This Council will take no prisoners as they ruthlessly charge forward with plans to construct an athletic complex on historic land.

    1. GO TRUMPY



      1. the problem is the court marshal of general lee at old Paramus church is a well document major historical event , where George Washingtonians troops camped out a Schedler and proved to be such bad house guests local farmers forced them off the land at gun point

      2. “No clear evidence of Revolutionary War period activity was identified,”
        Maybe under Rt17 or the Dunkin Donuts?
        This place is not worth preserving.
        Sell it

  2. Shades of Hillary Rodham Clinton…

  3. Come election time we the voters will take no prisoners.

    1. You would think so but the sports groups send out e-mail blasts encouraging the parents to vote for Pee Wee and the other 3 cockroaches.

      1. I have talked to many sports parents 1-1. They don’t want their kids to get sick from these turfs. They don’t talk about it openly but at the ballot box, they are going to kick this guy hard!!
        No one wants bad for their kids to make some sport league business owners happy!

  4. Absurd. What bullies
    That letter can’t be erased…its with the State Historic Preservation Office written and recommended by state historians!

    One again the liberal way…If u don’t agree with my narrative, I will cancel or fire you.

  5. It is absurd to say that this crappy old house and unused land next to rt17 has any historic value or adds anything to the nearby neighborhood. Nobody ever used this land or cared. We should sell it to a developer so the village can get some tax revenue.

    1. Good idea! And maybe we should rip out all the tombstones and make all the cemeteries into parks… After all, who needs all that wasted space??

      You are obviously an over-educated and under-appreciative a$$hole – you must hold a Ph.D in history from U-Penn!!!

  6. That field will never happen. Council should save the tax payer money and move on.

  7. Yup, that is what this bunch is good at. Sneaky, lying to suite their narrative. They march ahead and will take down anyone in their path. Everyone knows the truth about the big tree which was sad. Now everyone will know about this too as it is a blatant attempt to silence anyone who disagrees with them. Residents are already aware that Siobahn Winograd brought Matt Rogers, Village Attorney, to the Shade Tree Committee meeting to help them “clarify” their roles. What a load of crap, it was to put fear and intimidation into these people’s minds. Not cool.

  8. I want to know how the sports people are going to feel when one of their kids gets hit. It will be too late at that point.

    1. The council will pay for a ramp for the kids family. Just like on the Soprano’s. Hell, Pauly is already running a shy’ business lending money to friendly contractors.

  9. Worst Village Council in decades, even surpassing the atrocious Aronsohn regime.

  10. Meetings capped with an 11pm hard stop and public comments reduced from 5 minutes to 3 minutes. The message is clear – they don’t care what we have to say.

    1. I understand !

    2. Amen.. They are just an embarrassment, except Lorraine of course.
      And the New Manager, he is ALL smoke and mirrors , he was hired for one reason and one reason only.. Just watch he will show his true colors just like he did in EP.

  11. Karma is a bitch!
    These people will go to hell.

  12. They don’t care what anyone has to say. They do what they want, they don’t care if it’s illegal or not. The village never gave two shits about anyone. They have no backbone, no blood in their veins just ice. They are bankrupting the town. They are spending money on things that they don’t have. And what do you think is going to happen next year and a year after, with no money. The village can’t even repair or replace the bridge walk over on the E. Saddle River Rd., because they have no money. They can’t finish sidewalk Construction jobs that they started because they have no money, they can’t even repair or replace village owned buildings that are falling apart, because they have no money. There’s going to be big for Lowe’s, big, layoffs, big budget, cuts, coming the . All we can say from what we say is in the past four years, the village went straight down. And believe us, it shows everywhere. What a shame.

    1. This council is hoping that no one is paying attention and they continue to march forward with their deceptive ways. Shameful.

  13. Isn’t the time period for public comments determined by law?

  14. why is it historic

    1. It is not

      1. If it wasn’t historic, it wouldn’t be on the national register of historic places in the state of New Jersey. Old Paramus church is historic as George Washington and his troops were over there and on the Schedler Property. The history is real.

        1. Glen Ave is also registered as “historic” because is was originally an Indian trail. Should we tear it up and restore it to a walking path in the woods?

          1. stupid comment of the day !

  15. historically used by nearby residence to walk their dogs?

  16. They should change the name from Village of Ridgewood to Shitshow Shan-gri-la. it is really sad what this Mayor and his merry band of nit wits is going to do and they will either bankrupt us or make Ridgewood a place that no one wants to visit. Paul is running it like it is his restaurant, which I have heard is sub par just like he is.

    1. Post of the day!

  17. Listen carefully to the post above from Quakerbush. The new game is : we can’t do basic maintenance jobs because there is no money hence we need new tax sources which justifies the billboard, schedler and all the other proposed or incoming garbage this VC plans to bring on.

    1. We have to destroy Richwood in order to save it………………………..

    2. Outfront Media LLC and the owner of the property will benefit financially. I don’t think Ridgewood gets any revenue from the billboard being there and it is certainly the wrong location for many reasons, although if it does go through, the revenue made by the property owner should be taxable income via their property taxes. Paul Vagianos and his best pal Gail Price might be getting something because they probably came up with this idea to begin with so that they can benefit (Paul as a CBD biz owner) and Gail because her lawfirm is banking on this, but it won’t bring in tax revenue for the village.

    3. as if the Schedler property adds any value or quality of like at all

  18. You know what is really sad? People have said all along there is an “us” against “them” mentality. this was called out when the bullying happened the last time at Village Hall and basically little was done to rectify the situation. Will it happen again. You bet it will. These are neighbors against neighbors. This is the absolute and unequivocal fault of this village. The village that should be uniting us, but instead is dividing us. Replacing the Village historians who have dedicated many years and bringing in someone who will be the rubber stamp is pathetic. Does Paul, Siobahn, Evan and Pam look at their reflections in the mirror and say with any kind of certainty that they are proud of who they are and what they have become? You are fake, phony and making a mockery for the next generation. Sure you may get your field, but what is the cost, what is your legacy? tell your grandkids now there will be no trees, no history, nothing but watered down generic crap that will cost this village dearly in more ways than one.

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