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Ridgewood Councilwoman Siobhan Winograd Supports Plan for Removing Threat to Expensive Handbags

Gucci Marmont

the staff of The Ridgewood Blog

Ridgewood NJ, “Don’t flatter yourself my friend. I’m here strictly for material, and I have a feeling this is a potential gold mine.” – A line spoken by Jerry Seinfeld in one of the greatest Seinfeld episodes ever aired, and also one that succinctly summarizes why no political critic in their right mind would ever want to miss a Village Council meeting now that Siobhan Winograd sits on the dais.

The latest silly remarks from Councilwoman Winograd came in response to a recent oral report made by Village Engineer Christopher Rutishauser that there are between 1200-1400 abandoned parking meter stanchions still left standing on Village streets. A primary concern expressed by the Councilwoman after hearing Mr. Rutishauser’s report was damage the left behind steel posts could cause to expensive ladies handbags. Huh?

What more could there be to say now ladies & gents? More gems, we’re sure, will be posted here following the next Village Council meeting.

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15 thoughts on “Ridgewood Councilwoman Siobhan Winograd Supports Plan for Removing Threat to Expensive Handbags

  1. Still a train wreck.

  2. Moron.

    Stepford wife.

  3. Wait until the new council majority starts in with the proposed zoning changes to pay back their campaign donors. This twit will really begin unraveling. Kensington assisted living complex is going to be shoehorned in on South Broad Street. Clear cutting the Schedler property is only practice.

  4. add that to the Village Council “Top 10 List”

    would like to add the Mayor’s response to Ms Reynolds ….”I understand”

  5. The latest thing will be the virtue signalling RICH AND STUPID damaging their pocketbooks, I mean DESIGNER HANDBAGS, so as to appear to be the latest and greatest SJ warriors.

    Extra points if they are VEGAN handbags (also known as Vinyl).

    (Normally this is something that newbies to a profession do to their equipment and bags so as to appear to be grizzled veterans)

  6. As much as I agree with these comments, we brought this on ourselves. Too many residents don’t attend any Village Hall meetings, LWV election meetings, or read info in the local press/blogs. So we vote for a friend of a friend, or someone who was in the Dad’s night, or someone who lives near us, or someone who’s face we like, etc. The price we pay is having idiots like this.

  7. I wish people would give Siobhan a chance and not jump all over her with negative views and comments. I think it is wonderful that she is so thoughtful to be thinking about ladies handbags. We want people to come and shop in our downtown to revitalize the community and pay for that damn garbage. One scratched Louie bag and Ridgewood would be black balled and our downtown would fail. We also need to be thinking about the very litigious aristocracy of Ridgewood as well. They are likely to hold the town liable for damage they sustain walking to their cars from having too many mimosas.

    A better more vibrant downtown is in the best interests of the members of council who own businesses and property there. This is why they should be making all the decisions and never recuse themselves.

  8. Or just maybe you’re a pig-headed guy who has never stopped to think for one second about challenges – albeit first world – that might affect a woman and not you.

    1. Keeping a $2k handbag pristine is right up there on the list of world challenges? You’re a bigger twit than she is!

  9. Handbags’ Lives Matter

  10. I support HLM. With the world burning and this dumpster fire from hell of a council majority, this dingbat’s top priority is protecting the integrity of designer handbags? At least we can still laugh.

  11. #DBags (designer bags) matter

    1. i can think of other meanings of d-bags

      1. Nothing gets by you…

  12. roads are god awful, small businesses r hurting, food costs thru the roof, real estate/school taxes are ridiculous but lets make sure we focus our efforts on protecting $2k handbags from potential damage in our first mth as a newly elected town council….SMH

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