the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood boys #XCTFMaroons are 6th in the nation!
In a distance medley race representing the best from the United States, the Ridgewood team took home 6th place and was named All-American! Losing only to the best team from Oregon, Florida, California, Tennessee, and Pennsylvania. DJ Murphy, Gavin Kim, Jack McKenna, and Luke Pash teamed up on this great accomplishment
Not to be out done the Ridgewood girls #XCTFMaroons shuttle hurdle relay team of freshman Paige Brandt, senior Bea Brassel, junior Anna McHugh and soph Kennedy Lubkemann hurdled their way through an outstanding race and into all-American status coming in 6th in the nation! RHS’s second All-American relay of the season.
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Did they race at the Nike (NYC) or New Balance (Boston) Nationals ?
great job!!