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Ridgewood Mayor Paul Vagianos – There’s much more to the man’s local financial interests than “It’s Greek to Me”

Its Greek to Me

the staff of The Ridgewood Blog

Ridgewood NJ, Mayor Paul Vagianos is well known by Ridgewood voters as the owner/operator of “IT’S GREEK TO ME,” a restaurant on East Ridgewood Ave.

However, what Ridgewood voters may not know is that their mayor, who seemingly does not hesitate to offer this opinion and cast his votes on any matters related to the Village’s Central Business District, is the sole owner or part owner of several downtown properties.

Here’s what our staff found by just looking up information posted on the internet:

Commercial/multi-family residential properties:

13 S. Broad St. – current location of PEARL RESTAURANT and multiple residential units

16-18 Chestnut St. – current location of BIBILLIA restaurant

15 E. Ridgewood Ave. – current location of BAREBURGER restaurant

21 E. Ridgewood Ave. – current location of IT’S GREEK TO ME restaurant

101 E, Ridgewood Ave. – current location of RAYMOND’S restaurant


IT’S GREEK TO ME restaurant, 21 E. Ridgewood Ave.

Given the mayor’s extensive financial interests in the Village’s Central Business District, we question why he seemingly has no issue with voting on matters that could affect their financial health.

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62 thoughts on “Ridgewood Mayor Paul Vagianos – There’s much more to the man’s local financial interests than “It’s Greek to Me”

  1. It’s a Wonderful Life, eh Mr. Potter?

  2. A picture is worth a thousand words. This one says it all.

    1. How did this turd get through law school?

      I guess if Sleepy Joe can do it then anyone can…

      1. Are you kidding? I’m surprised he’s not on the Supreme Court.

        Grift and graft, the way to get ahead.

        It feels like a replay of the Gilded Age, but without class or taste.

  3. “Look at me everyone. I’m going to screw them all before they realize what’s happening. I’m on top of the world!”

  4. “I understand”

  5. Because Matt Rogers and Paul hang out at Duffys in Paterson together

    1. Taxed, FACTS Matt Rogers (Village Attorney) and Mayor Paul hang out at Duffys in Paterson together! They do a lot more than just hang out in Paterson. Explains why Matt won’t speak up at any of the meetings and set the Council straight. #firematt #paulvagianos #keithkazmark

    2. Duffys in Paterson -in a real lovely old neighborhood, warehouses on way to rt. 20 – sure. No fancy outdoor garbage cans on sidewalks. Will downtown Ridgewood become like that?

    3. Yup, it’s Matt Rogers, Paul and their democratic party leader.

      1. Rumor mill have Paul running for State Assembly. Not sure what he ran for in 2015 but his aspirations are not limited to just Ridgewood. He wants to swim in a much larger pond but he is a bad actor so not sure if they weighs more in his favor or not.

  6. Pee Wee has no shame.

  7. The King of Con

  8. I dare you to remove my wall!!!
    It took too long to get rid of this shrine to arrogance!

  9. That explains why Paul Vagianos pushed so hard for the closure of the Pedestrian Plaza to be from Walnut to Broad street, all his businesses are located in that area. $$$

  10. Putting things nicely, Pail is unethical and immoral. Owning five streams of income, within the core of the Central Business District, is more than enough reason to be recused from every matter pertaining to downtown Ridgewood. #paulvagianos #anothercrookedpolitician

  11. What an absolute embarrassment to Ridgewood. So is anyone going to call him out on this? Where do we file a complaint. I’m tired of this lying snake.

  12. Paul has many more skeletons in his closet. There should be an anonymous tip line where people can submit photos and docs.

    1. And this is exactly why he want US to pay for his customers to be able to park.

  13. The stone wall in the picture was only the beginning of his violations and middle finger to Ridgewood residents.

  14. This man is an utter disgrace, and he is destroying our village and laughing all the way to the bank

  15. Keep digging and exposing
    1) Paul Vagianos a founder of Ridgewood Feed the Frontline

    2) Feed the Frontline is siphoned through Ridgewood HealthBarn

    3) On behalf of Feed the Frontline, Ridgewood HealthBarn applies and collects 4+ Million through the
    New Jersey Economic Development Authority’s “Sustain and Serve” grant program.

    4) Receipts obtained via OPRA to the NJEDA show most of all the businesses listed above as beneficiaries with Paul Vagianos signing off.

    5) Through food pantries and organizations throughout Bergen County, they claim to have fed millions of local healthcare workers, first responders and people while supporting local restaurants. However, an accounting ledger or receipts to/from the pantries and organizations is yet to be seen.

    1. How much did healthbarn the business or the owner of the business make off this sweet deal? If anything. Curious where all the money went? And no body does nothing for free?!?!

  16. I’d like to know the nature of the relationship between him and a young lady he was sitting next to at the former Wyckoff DMV offices on the afternoon of June 19, 2006. Maybe it was one of his daughters, but maybe not. I’ll never forget what I saw that afternoon.

  17. Paul has a pattern. When he’s passionate about something, you can bet your bottom dollar that he stands to make money from it.
    1) Hudson Garage: Turns out he owns the properties next door (not just Pearl). At taxpayers expense- the Hudson Garage side, next to Pearl, was constructed to provide an outdoor dining alcove with private garage entrance. Paul also uses the area as his very own VIP parking.

    2) Dining Corrals: most are designated to the businesses listed above.

    3) Pedestrian Plaza: Chamber wanted nothing to do with it. So he formed Destination Ridgewood to push his agenda and benefit his businesses.

    4) Schedler…

    1. Feed the frontlines and Healthbarn are also his babies

  18. Agency Ethics Liaison Officer
    NJ State Ethics Commission
    Office of the Attorney General

  19. What a mess! This guy is a bad actor and is doing unethical things. Ridgewood is in trouble with him as Mayor, then you have the other idiots who are a rubber stamp for anything he wants, which include Matt Rogers, Keith Kazark, Siobahn Winograd, Evan Weitz and of course the Deputy Mayor Pam Perron who will almost always vote in the same direction because they were put there for a reason. I think Recall Paul and Can Pam can’t come fast enough. He used his personal email to communicate with Peter Primavera, the historical consultant he hired to get the field situated on the Schedler property, no matter what, and he has the TapInto Ridgewood guy, Jason DeAlessi run his Mayoral Facebook page. C’mon, when is enough, enough?!?

  20. Please investigate HealthBarn 4M donation and where did that money go. 4M worth of food was all delivered to one town that’s 30 miles away?

    1. Ask Ramon

    2. Please !!!!!!

  21. We told you during the council campaign but you didn’t listen.

    1. Those that voted for whom would be more than enough to get a Paul recalled. Let’s do it!

  22. Feed the Frontline . The quintessential example of Swamp Creatures feeding off the teat of government to benefit their financial interests. Our tax dollars are used to buy over priced meals from restaurants. Those same restaurants pay rent to the Swamp Creatures’ commercial properties. It’s actually quite genius. Too bad it’s we the people paying the bills.

    Convince me otherwise.

    1. Yup! I bet the receipts submitted to Sustain and Serve was for the same food Paul dished to restaurant patrons and charged triple.

  23. Feed the Frontline . The quintessential example of Swamp Creatures feeding off the teat of government to benefit their financial interests. Our tax dollars are used to buy over priced meals from restaurants. Those same restaurants pay rent to the Swamp Creatures’ commercial properties. It’s actually quite genius. Too bad it’s We the People paying the bills.

    Prove Me Wrong.

  24. I guess Ridgewood has its own Joe Biden

    1. More Like Hunter

  25. The mayor and manager has big changes coming for the department of fleet services.

  26. Question ? If you voted for this A$$ Clown and his 3 stooges , are you embarrassed yet? You should be!

  27. Did our last mayor recuse herself voting on police and fire issues as she had two of her near-to-do kids on the public tit? Just sayin’….you know the ones who never finished college?


    2. Stop deflecting and beating a dead horse about our magnification previous Mayor and her family that serve and protect our community daily. Check your facts, that matter was looked into and there was ZERO wrong doing.

      NOTHING you say can deflect or erase the fact that Pau-LIE is the Village Con Man here. Stand up to Paul, the real culprit.

    3. You don’t have to go to college to become a cop or a paid Firemen, you just have to score good on the civil service test.

      1. Score “well” on the test.

        1. I assume the error was intended as a joke.

        2. Thanks Paulie

    4. Since when did going to college make the measure of a human being? There are plenty of very credentialed assH#$%* with zero moral, so give that line of thinking up, it is pathetic.

      1. IMHO far more people go to college than should. We’d be a lot better off with more plumbers and electricians anyway.

  28. There is very little on the agenda for this town that he should be allowed to decide about. This is the kind of situation that gives optional recusal a bad name. Unfortunately, short of shaming the person into resigning, which almost never happens, the only recourse is recall, a long and exhausting process.

    Of course finding out who the people you intend to vote for really are would be the ideal solution, or preventive . . . but why waste time? Just vote for whoever has the most lawn signs and spends the most on shiny mailers. Those people must be the best suited for the job. Aren’t they smiling and saying how much they love their town?

  29. EVERYONE who supports him, has some personal gains to make. Some people are getting govt money channeled to them in form of grants, some are getting money for grant writing, some are getting appointments to committee that create possibilities to earn money, some are getting political endorsements and some are using his lists for political mailing.
    No one is helping him or endorsing him because they believe in Ridgewood. .. those who believe in Ridgewood are all against him.

  30. What has become of our beautiful village. It has gone into the crapper. The Village Manager put out a post on social media saying that Ridgewood is one of the most desirable places to live however once newcomers realize what is being done with their tax dollars and how village employees narrowing missed being furloughed this year, they might think differently. Designer garbage cans, albeit overflowing, might give the impression that everything is wonderful, but if you go a few layers deeper, you begin to see that the bloom is off the rose.

    1. Wrong. You don’t know the demographics of newcomers. Young, liberal families that reflect today’s herd mentality and being shallow and following a hype. As long as RW hype about schools, being a social place, presenting a status etc. continues, they will flow over here. These people have no clue how important is town’s management and won’t bother to get involved unless a lanternfly lands in their window and they ask for help in FB blogs.

    6 months later Wipe Out Winograd and Weitz

  32. How much did Paul sell Schedler for?

    1. Paul is probably getting some kick backs on that property and likely on the installation of turf. Maybe look into meetings with companies that install and replace turf in Ridgewood??? Opra…Why else would he push and push for a giant plastic field? Also, Siobahn. She keeps talking about how it isn’t bad in her expert opinion. Rumor mill says that Siobahn and her Soccer loving husband want to start their own team so that is why they want turf. Where there is smoke there is fire and this mayor and majority block council needs to go. They are not good for Ridgewood and their personal agendas are taking over.

    2. You could probably ask Pee Wee’s little Pee Wee, Rurick Halaby. He seems to always be in the know about Ridgewood Village business before everyone else.

  33. Attorney Matt Rogers says there is no conflict with Vagianos voting on matters related to the CBD. This is total crap. Rogers is hired (or fired) at the whim of the village council. Rogers will literally OK anything Vagianos asks him to. The system is so flawed

  34. Can we just call him PFAS PAULLIE.

  35. Only a handful of RW residents read this page. Why don’t you guys post all this info into local FB pages or create a leaflet campaign of some sort to make people aware of his extensive financial interest around here? All this sh.t should have used when he was campaigning for VC. Blowing off steam in this page won’t hurt him one bit.

    1. Eagle, Do it! Print this post, include a QR code to the comments above and mail/plaster the Village of Ridgewood. Every Door Direct by USPS

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