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Ridgewood Mom and Dads Group Blocks Coronavirus Updates


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Moms and Dads group, yes the one without free speech is once again making headlines  and ruffling feathers , this time the group administrators are blocking discussion on the coronvirus national emergency  and inadvertently undermining the Village of Ridgewood’s current local state of emergency.

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14 thoughts on “Ridgewood Mom and Dads Group Blocks Coronavirus Updates

  1. The moderators of that particular Facebook group have been on the wrong side of most issues for some time now

  2. When the virus is settled and when it’s time for elections, REMEMBER who are the candidates supported by the administrators of that group.
    Those candidates will continue the censorship agenda of this groups moderators.

  3. That group is a hoax supported by realtors. It’s to their advantage to censor any information that alarms or concerns people out of the fake Ridgewood fairy tale. Only those wanting to live under a rock and not face reality are still part of that group-or those that absolutely have no clue.

  4. The Admins of that page pride and stress on people that they have close to 7000k members, which is why residents should want to be “IN THE GROUP”

    Sounds like a psychological game played by two very insecure admins. Wanting to be “IN with the IN crowd…people tend to have an ‘inherent’ desire to belong and be an important part of something greater than themselves. In this case, even if it means running with a cyber group that promotes fear, ostricizes others and threatens its members.

  5. These are the people that live in the bubble. They need to pull their head out of their ass. This is reality of what’s going on. It’s time to toughen up make your kids stu these are the people that live in the bubble. They need to pull their head out of their ass. This is reality what’s going on. It’s time to toughen up make your kids tuff, not wimps.

  6. Sounds like you all are playing popularity contests

  7. Look at who the admins are….
    These people have serious issues with reality
    On top of being complete assholes.

  8. All the posts are under real names. Who’s the real asshole, asshole? Odds are it’s you

  9. Real names, fake wannabe people! You throw stones at people posting anonymously but did your momma name you Anonymous?

  10. Why is anyone still part of the group? There are two other community groups that don’t censor, are very informative and respectful.

  11. Well they have more members than the other 2 pages combined, which now are nothing more than a mouthpiece for a few and a full extension of the blog

  12. Knudsen and others like Walsh post here on the blog anonymously . They are the ride assholes above.

  13. They also block new people who want to join the group just based on profile picture alone or name. Racist delusional administrators. They are the ones that need to be kicked out of Ridgewood!

  14. Knudsen and Walsh and their enablers are always posting here anonymously

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