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>Ridgewood one of three Bergen County towns on Gov. Chris Christie’s list of biggest payouts for unused sick time

>Ridgewood one of three Bergen County towns on Gov. Chris Christie’s list of biggest payouts for unused sick time
Published: Monday, December 19, 2011, 3:41 PM  
By S.P. Sullivan,

Three Bergen County towns are on Gov. Chris Christie’s short list of municipalities where unused sick time for public workers cost the most per household.

In figures released by the Governor’s office Monday, Alpine Borough ranked 3rd, Hackensack 4th and Ridgewood 9th on the list of towns that paid the most per capita in accumulated sick and vacation time owed to public employees.

According to the Governor’s office, residents of Alpine Borough owe the most per family in Bergen County, with a total of $850,523, or $1,169 per household. Hackensack taxpayers are on the hook for $18,875,368 in unused time, or $1,030 per household. The village of Ridgewood owes its public employees $7,203,566, or $861 per household.

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