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Ridgewood Planning Board Continue public hearing on the proposed H-Hospital Zone amendment


Ridgewood Planning Board Continue public hearing on the proposed H-Hospital Zone amendment


Special Public Meetings: Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Note Village Calendar says 12 noon the announcement says 730pm

In accordance with the provisions of the “Open Public Meetings Act,” please be advised that the Planning Board has scheduled a special public meeting for Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium at the Benjamin Franklin Middle School, 335 North Van Dien Ave., Ridgewood, NJ.

The Board may take official action during this Work and Public Meeting at which time the Board will:

Continue the public hearing on the proposed H-Hospital Zone amendment         to the Master Plan.

Continue the public hearing concerning a proposed amendment to the Land Use Plan Element of the Master Plan which would recommend changes in zone district classifications and boundaries within the Central Business District and surrounding area including AH-2, B-3-R, C-R and C Zone Districts.

All meetings of the Ridgewood Planning Board (i.e., official public meetings, work session meetings, pre-meeting assemblies and special meetings) are public meetings which are always open to members of the general public.

Jane Wondergem
Secretary to the Board

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7 thoughts on “Ridgewood Planning Board Continue public hearing on the proposed H-Hospital Zone amendment

  1. Can’t wait to spend another 3-4 hours of my life away from my family sitting in the BF auditorium listening to Valley bully and lie!

  2. If you know they lie then why go?

  3. If you haven’t actually been at a meeting then you cannot comprehend the absolute sham these proceedings are. The citizens of Ridgewood raised $10,000 to hire an urban planner to represent them and refute the one-sided view put forward by Valley’s experts. I don’t think he even uttered more than 10 sentences. Valley’s lawyer was up objecting to every word out of his mouth. He literally demanded FedEx receipts for a stack of documents from the state, every page of which was stamped by the state. We have come of age with movies like Erin Brockovitch or A Civil Action, where right overcomes money, inside interests and political power. These make good movies, but it is not what is happening in Ridgewood. People aren’t going to the meetings anymore, because it has become clear that the voice of the residents is not wanted, or heard, or even allowed to be spoken. But I think the large number of lawn signs for Sedon and Knudson, indicate that people are not happy with what is happening in our town. Hopefully, elections still remain relatively free of the mix of money and influence that appears to guide many of the regulatory proceedings in this town. And if anyone thinks that their vote doesn’t count – let me remind you that if 12 more people had voted for Keith Killion in the last election, we would be looking at a very different scenario for our town across a multiple of issues. So vote either way May 13th, but do vote.

  4. Residents are not involved in Valley expansion process in a meaningful way. The PB let residents speak, but are they listening ? Hopefully, the courts will see this process for the sham that it is.

  5. It might also be time to start to examine what the Village pays for Gail Price’s services. She was supposed to have these hearing wrapped up by LAST June yet no end is in sight. By all appearances she plans to instruct the Planning Board to give Valley what they wanted last time or give them what they want this time. What do we pay her per hour? What financial motivation does she have to wind this process down?

    On top of this conflict of interest, she is clearly not impartial and has allowed Valley and its disgraceful attorney to call all of the procedural shots.

    It’s time to demand better.

  6. I heard that the final count in 2012, including absentee ballots and so on, was an 8-vote difference. Eight votes out of many, many thousands of registered voters. REMIND YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS TO VOTE, PLEASE. Those who claim that “all candidates are alike” are simply lazy. They literally don’t care who is in charge?

  7. Anonymous:

    if 12 more people had voted for Keith Killion in the last election, we would be looking at a very different scenario for our town across a multiple of issues.

    This is a nasty swipe at the current Council. What “different scenario” are you suggesting ? 5% annual property tax increases ? Conflicts of interest on Village contracts and budget votes ? Lack of communication from the Village after the dangerous snowstorm of October 2011 ? The current Mayor voted against the previous Valley expansion, so if the current proposal is so similar, what makes you think he’ll change his vote ?

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