the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood Police Department would like to remind residents that there is no parking on any street in the Village between the hours of 2:00 am and 6:00 am (Ordinance 265-21). Overnight parking permits for the Central Business District are available at Village Hall, and residents may call Central Dispatch (201-652-3900) to request permission to park overnight.
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When will the village enforce it?
What a joke. After every recent snowstorm in driving through the town I saw cars that had been parked on the streets overnight with snow on them with no tickets in sight. This is not enforced. If you’re going to have a law you should enforce it.
You should not be driving in snowstorms, it is people like you who make it hard to plow!
AFTER the snowstorm not during it asshole.
Definitely not enforced.
Laughable. Hasn’t been enforced for years.
Village manager needs to take a drive-through town one night between two and six and see how many people are parked on the street without tickets.
Complete joke. Multiple cars overnight on my street. Year round. Never ticketed.
Who gives a shit. You’re probably the type of person to get pissed at someone parking in front of your house.
if you like looking at cars in the street perhaps you should consider living in paterson.
are you the type of person that puts chairs in the street in front of their house after they shovel out the car
I can’t stop laughing over this, how are you going to enforce this one families have more than one car and they can’t park it in their driveway because it’s too small. Can they park it on the lawn no because then I get a ticket, but maybe it’s better for them to park on the lawn get it off the road, so the snow crews Properly clean the road. Sometimes you need to bend the rules
Petition to change the ordinance if you don’t like it. In the meantime, park your car at the Hudson Street parking garage overnight. Nobody else uses it anyway.
buy a big enough house with a big enough driveway.
Good luck.