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Ridgewood Police Officer Jeffrey Kay Retires After 25 Years

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photos courtesy of the Ridgewood Police Department

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Police Officer Jeffrey Kay heads out of Police Headquarters wrapping up 25 years of service to the Village of Ridgewood.

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“Thank you Jeff and have a safe happy healthy retirement.”

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9 thoughts on “Ridgewood Police Officer Jeffrey Kay Retires After 25 Years

  1. Honk Jeff? Is that his clown name?

    1. Did it also occur to you to downvote the rank moron that designed the sign and the incompetent yokel that printed it? There’s a whole chain of embarrassments to address here.

  2. I think it should be “Honk, Jeff is Retired” Where are the grammar police when you need them?

  3. Congratulations.
    It’s an honor and privilege to have such a career.

  4. Congratulations, police& fire get all the thanks. All other employees retire in other departments there’s no recognition, amazing. That’s Because those employees are lower than lobster shit.

    1. Maybe because the village had nothing to do with this. Bring it up with your union.

    2. Maybe because Fire actually provides a valuable service?

  5. What company employees retired in the past few years, what have they really got a letter, a little small key to the town, please. It’s embarrassing that Village manager does because the last one did zip.🤨 Unless you’re in the club.

  6. It’s so very true, for the individual but thumbs down are you kidding me? Where have you been? If you’re not in the police department, fire department, management, forget it everyone else gets. I seen employees work 40 years and walk out the door with a small little letter and a small little key really that’s it. No plaque no party no wonder males at its lowest level.

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