file photo by Boyd Loving
Ridgewood police warn residents to be proactive about preventing break-ins
March 6, 2015, 1:18 PM Last updated: Friday, March 6, 2015, 1:18 PM
The Record
RIDGEWOOD — Police officials warned residents this week to be proactive about break-ins, which have been on the rise in the village.
Ridgewood’s Chief John Ward said that so far in 2015, there have been three residential burglaries in the village and two failed attempts.
Ward said 2015 was on pace to surpass the previous three years for burglaries and break-in attempts, noting there were 44 last year, 53 the year before, and 46 in 2012.
Ward told the council Wednesday his department was taking its own measures to reverse the trend, but said there are things Ridgewood residents can do to prevent their homes from being victimized.
“We are stepping up patrols, and using unmarked cars while making positive progress on leads,” Ward said, adding he’d like to see neighborhood watch programs return to the village.
“Residents and neighbors are your best defense, and that means giving up personal space and information,” Ward said.
Lazy residents who let their newspapers pile up and leave exterior lights on during the day (too cheap to install timers) are just advertising that their homes are unoccupied
1:50pm – perhaps you should strive to make your ignorance and incompetence your best kept secrets.
1:50 you sure sound like a typical lazy ignoramus who moved here from NYC. Is your garbage can still on the curb from last week ?
Correcting comment 3. Should be referenced to 1030 the lazy newbie …not 150.
And today solicitors promoting a commercial show for njpac are leaving their literature hanging on doors. My neighbors who stop the mail, stop the newspaper now have these assholes to thank for showing the house is unoccupied .lucky for them I’ll throenthis shit in the trash . If you know that your neighbors are away pick up this garbage and toss it
well what about this, we have village employee’s that walk in to the back yards and all around town and most of them do not have on any village photo employee i d on , or a village uniform on, the paid fire dep’t and police dep’t have them on,why is this happening ,this is not good.how do we know who the workers are walking in my bake yard. because they are pulling a trash can. come on village manager’s wake up.