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Ridgewood Police Warn “UDrive. UText. UPay.”



file photo Boyd Loving

Ridgewood Police Warn  “UDrive. UText. UPay.”

The Ridgewood Police Department will take part in a new program being initiated by the Division of Highway Traffic Safety. From April 1st through April 21st , we will participate in the Distracted Driving 2014 Statewide Crackdown “UDrive. UText. UPay.”

The purpose of the campaign is to undertake visible, targeted enforcement during the National Distracted Driving Month. Enforcement activities will focus on driver behaviors that distract from the task of driving. This will include the use of cell phones and texting.

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8 thoughts on “Ridgewood Police Warn “UDrive. UText. UPay.”

  1. Does this mean that they will ticket there own they seem to be on a cell phone a lot.

  2. I expect that a whole lot of women are going to get caught. From what I observe, it’s almost all females who are using their phones while driving. I rarely see males doing it. They do, but nowhere near at the rates that females do. Women have always been much more into telephone chattering, so I guess it’s only logical that this would be the same in the cell phone age.

  3. There are all kinds of distractions, if we ticket for all of them, this Blog piece will never end, and add little to the discussion.

  4. Stop picking on women. How about men smoking those big black cigars while driving?

  5. Check the Council agenda for tonight …. lots of items worthy for discussion here.

    I recall in the past, draining Graydon water into the Ridgewood water treatment plant as solution to enhance alternate improvement designs again.

    Perhaps our more experienced writers here could start one?

  6. I do agree that there is a very long list of things people do that distract from driving. However, nothing comes close to the distraction caused by hand-held phone usage. Almost every conceivable distraction can be justified as the driver’s eyes never have to be shifted from driving. However, hand-held phone usage typically involves momentarily looking away from the road to look at the phone in order to enter numbers/text, press the right buttons. Actual texting while driving is sheer lunacy.

  7. #4 you are kidding comparing a cigar to a phone. Let’s get the phone usage stopped. What about people( mostly men!!) with a Poodle on their lap licking the air.That’s really a sad sight to see and so dangerous. Police should be able to ticket them also, but it won’t happen I’m afraid.

  8. Declan Harrison:

    I do agree that there is a very long list of things people do that distract from driving. However, nothing comes close to the distraction caused by hand-held phone usage. Almost every conceivable distraction can be justified as the driver’s eyes never have to be shifted from driving. However, hand-held phone usage typically involves momentarily looking away from the road to look at the phone in order to enter numbers/text, press the right buttons. Actual texting while driving is sheer lunacy.

    I agree.
    NOTHING comes close to the distraction caused by hand-held phone usage.
    …hand-held phone usage typically involves momentarily looking away from the road to look at the phone in order to enter numbers/text, press the right buttons

    NOTHING involves momentarily looking away from the road like cell phone use…

    Nothing like fiddling with the radio/infotainment touch screen, HVAC controls or cigarette lighter (do cars even have these anymore?);
    Nothing like turning to make sure that the kids are OK;
    Nothing like checking the instrument panel gauges;
    Nothing like glancing at the sights – be they a pretty girl or a pretty dress in a shop window.

    I agree… NOTHING comes close to cell phone use and its unique need to momentarily looking away from the road.

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